Informing the Reforming

A La Carte (November 17)

Today’s Kindle deals include: One New Man by Jarvis Williams, The Secret of Spiritual Joy by William Farley, Helps for Counsellors by Jay Adams, Gray Matters by Brett McCracken, and God’s Word in Our Hands by James Williams.

Christian Audio is selling CD bundles at up to 90% off. They’d make for good gifts or stocking stuffers.

10 Things You Should Know about Physician Assisted Suicide

This list helpfully touches on the major things to know about physician assisted suicide.

Why Difficulties in the Bible Are a Good Thing

There is encouragement here not to grow discouraged when encountering difficulties in the Bible.

Predicting the Hottest Toys of the Year

You might enjoy reading about how people try to predict the hottest toys of the year. My guess is they are wrong as often as right.

Preach About the Church to the Church

“Expositional preaching, then, exposes God’s Word to his people and helps them live out the truths found in the Bible. Because the Bible is congregationally shaped, our preaching must be congregationally shaped; it must be ecclesiological. In fact, if your preaching is not ecclesiological, you’re not truly doing exposition.”

Tozer, Youth Ministry, and a Plug Nickel

Tozer wasn’t a fan of some youth ministry: “We have the breezy, self confident Christians with little affinity for Christ and his cross. We have the joy-bell boys that can bounce out there and look as much like a game show host as possible. Yet they are doing it for Jesus’ sake?!”

This Day in 1668. 328 years ago today English Puritan and writer Joseph Alleine died having burned himself out by age thirty-four laboring for the Lord. *

The Snail-Smashing, Fish-Spearing, Eye-Popping Mantis Shrimp

It’s quite a little animal, this one.

Four Daily Prayers for Your Children

This is actually a good, non-gimmicky list of things to pray for your children.

Growing Churches Are Conservative Churches

This comes as no surprise but it’s still confirming.

Flashback: Financial Mistakes We Made and Avoided

As I look back on my life and financial history, I see a long list of mistakes Aileen and I made and a list of mistakes we managed to avoid. Here are a few of each.


Happiness lies not in those things that cannot comfort a man upon a dying bed. —Thomas Brooks

The post A La Carte (November 17) appeared first on Tim Challies.

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