Informing the Reforming

Free Stuff Fridays (Systematic Theology Edition)

Free Stuff Fridays Updated

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by Zondervan Academic Online Courses, who was also the blog’s sponsor for the week. They are giving away full access to three online courses: Systematic Theology 1 and Systematic Theology 2, both taught by Wayne Grudem, and Historical Theology, taught by Gregg Allison.

If you’ve spent any amount of time reading and learning theology, you know it can be difficult. Even people who study theology for a living understand this struggle. You also probably already know that one of the most accessible and well-known systematic theologies of our time is written by Wayne Grudem. In fact, more than half a million people have used his Systematic Theology text in seminary classes, church reading groups, and for personal study. Now, Dr. Grudem has made this material even more accessible as part of two new online courses.

In these courses, you’ll get a total of 57 video segments. In these segment, Dr. Grudem explains the core doctrines of the church in easy-to-understand language. With the course, you’ll also get access to the entire text of Systematic Theology, along with tools to help you review the material in each lesson. These two courses are each the equivalent of three-credit, seminary level courses. In addition to the two Systematic Theology online courses, you will also get access to Gregg Allison’s Historical Theology online course. This course will show you how each doctrine developed from the early church through the modern era.

When you have finished these courses, you will be able to explain all the core doctrines of the church, show the biblical support for each one, and understand how they have developed throughout the church’s history.

This week, one person will win access to these three online courses. It’s the best way to learn theology—and you’ll be learning from two expert theologians who have been teaching it for years.

Even better, even if you don’t win the giveaway, you can still get free access to part of Dr. Grudem’s course, Introduction to the Doctrine of Scripture. This mini-course is free through this weekend for readers of this blog. The free offer will expire on Monday, so you’ll want to sign up right now if you haven’t already.

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Giveaway Rules: You may enter one time. As soon as the winners have been chosen, all names and addresses will be immediately and permanently erased. Winners will be notified by email. The giveaway closes Saturday at noon. If you are viewing this through email, click to visit my site and enter there.

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