The Bailey Drink

Psa. 116:13 I will lift up the cup of salvation

and call on the name of the LORD,

This verse is really an answer to the question posed in the previous verse, “What shall I render to the LORD for all His benefits toward me?”. David is pondering all the blessings he had received in his life. Have you stopped and taken inventory of the blessings of God in your life? Your list might include salvation from a miserable, sinful lifestyle. It could also note health and provision all throughout your life. It could also remember divine protection from tragedy or an endless list of blessing and intervention. As David pondered his list he thought about paying God back, impossible! Unthinkable! So what was his response, I will lift up the cup of salvation. Shocking but the appropriate response. What can I give the creator of all things? Utter dependence, I will drink again from His cup and glorify Him by receiving again. Here is how Charles Spurgeon describes it.
“To take the cup of salvation was in itself an act of worship, and it was accompanied with other forms of adoration, hence the Psalmist says, and call upon the name of the LORD. He means that he will utter blessings and thanksgivings and prayers, and then drink of the cup which the Lord had filled with his saving grace. What a cup this is! Upon the table of infinite love stands the cup full of blessing; it is ours by faith to take it in our hand, make it our own, and partake of it, and then with joyful hearts to laud and magnify the gracious One who has filled it for our sakes that we may drink and be refreshed. We can do this figuratively at the sacramental table, we can do it spiritually every time we grasp the golden chalice of the covenant, realizing the fulness of blessing which it contains, and by faith receiving its divine contents into our inmost soul. Beloved reader, let us pause here and take a long and deep draught from the cup which Jesus filled, and then with devout hearts let us worship God.”
I’ll drink to that! Spiritual drinking is our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. After all, God is most glorified when I am satisfied with Him. He is our portion and that is really all I need. So let’s lift up the cup of salvation this holiday season, give thanks to the Lord for He is good.

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