The Bailey Drink


Is. 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

What an incredible promise, perfect peace. In the original it actually says shalom shalom. This is God’s promise of peace that transcends our whole being. It is an internal peace, peace with God that comes through forgiveness of sins and restoration of our relationship with God. It speaks of an external peace, most of our drama and such flow directly out of our broken relationship with God and our ungodly behavior. It also declares eternal peace. This is not just a peace that lasts forever but it is much more. It is the peace of God. This is the very peace that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit have enjoyed from eternity.

How can I obtain this shocking promise? This scriptures says two things. First, turn my mind, my thoughts on God Himself. This is actually the evidence of a born again experience. Christ becomes our treasure and our thoughts and affections turn to Him. Secondly, we are to trust in Him. When our world turns sideways we look to God. He is our Peace; even in the most violent of storms. Here are some thoughts from Matthew Henry on today’s word.

“Thou wilt keep him in peace, peace, in perfect peace, inward peace, outward peace, peace with God, peace of conscience, peace at all times, under all events; this peace shall he be put into, and kept in the possession of, whose mind is stayed upon God, because it trusts in him. It is the character of every good man that he trusts in God, puts himself under his guidance and government, and depends upon him that it shall be greatly to his advantage to do so. Those that trust in God must have their minds stayed upon him, must trust him at all times, under all events, must firmly and faithfully adhere to him, with an entire satisfaction in him; and such as do so God will keep in perpetual peace, and that peace shall keep them.”

Today is a good day to start with turning your heart and thoughts toward the Lord. Like Jonathan Edwards said, “Put yourself in the way of spiritual allurement”. In other words, put yourself in a spiritual atmosphere. Sing to the Lord, soak yourself in scripture, pray in the Spirit; this is how I put myself in spiritual allurement. What is the result, shalom, shalom, an indescribable peace that is found only in Christ.

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