Church & Ministries

Wild West Nun On The Path To Becoming A Saint


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A nun who led an extraordinary life in the Wild West is being considered for sainthood by the Roman Catholic Church.

Sister Blandina Segale befriended famous outlaw Billy The Kid after he had been shot. When doctors refused to treat him because of his notorious reputation, Sr Blandina stepped in and nursed him back to health for several months.

He didn't reform his ways, but allegedly called off a hold up when he realised the nun was travelling in a stage coach he was trying to rob. She also prevented him from seeking to harm the doctors who'd refused him treatment.

Her dangerous adventures didn't end there, though. She's remembered for another incident in which she took her own life in her hands to advocate for a man facing death.

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A shooting victim was dying, and the perpetrator was about to be seized by a mob. Rushing to the dying man's side, Sr Blandina managed to get him to forgive the shooter and then talked down the mob. The guilty man was then given a prison sentence instead.


These and other stories have added to her mystique and recently it was revealed that Segale, who emigrated to Ohio from Italy as a child, is possibly on the path to sainthood. Her life is now being investigated and the case will be put that the Church should officially recognise her life and ministry.

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