Evangelism and Missions

3 Things That Build a Compelling Vision for Your Life


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Michael Hyatt once said that vision is more important than strategy. In so many ways, that's absolutely true.

Strategy tells us how to get from the point we are now to a point we want to reach. However, unless we can clearly describe in clear-cut detail a vision of where we want to be, we will never know where we're going and thus defeat the purpose of a plan to get there.

Having a clear and compelling vision is non-negotiable for any passion-driven believer who wants to do great things for God. Unless there is a powerful vision that drives us, we will always lose track of where we want to go and, consequently, our way to get there.

God's Word gives us a guideline on how to achieve a compelling vision that can drive us to greater heights. Habbakkuk 2:2-3 states, "And the Lord answered me: 'Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.'"

I want to break this scripture and share three things you need to build a compelling vision.


1. Your Vision in Writing | "… Write the Vision …"

There's something about writing down a vision that makes it more powerful than it already is in our minds. Writing a vision allows us to return to it when we lose track and to remind ourselves of that vision as regularly as we can.

Whether that's turning your vision into a poster, a screensaver or in written form in a journal, record the vision for you to easily access and never miss easily.

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2. Clarity in Communication | "… Make It Plain on Tablets …"

If you're vision is not that big to you then chances are you aren't thinking big enough. God wants us to shoot for ideas and legacies that surpass our own individual capacity so that we can build communities and teams around us to run the vision with. And because we are to run it with others, we must learn how to communicate the vision in a clear way.

A lack of clarity will only lead to a lack of direction and a failure to come up with the right strategies, values, and structure to make that vision a reality.

3. A Resolve to Execute | "… So He May Run Who Reads It …"

At the end of the day, if a vision remains an idea, we miss the mark. Visions are to compel us to action. Unless we have a God-given and spirit-empowered resolve to act on our dreams and visions, the latter will remain dormant ideas that will never see the light of day.

At the end of the day, we cannot execute beyond the power of the Holy Spirit. Just as vision comes from God so does the power and ability to fulfill it.

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