Evangelism and Missions

How to remain content in a world that tells you you need more


“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need.”

Philippians 4:11-12

Prior to coming into ministry, I worked as an advertising and marketing consultant. My job at that time was pretty simple: convince people that they needed something even if they didn’t. What a wicked job (of course, I’m kidding).

While there is nothing wrong with offering products to people, there is a problem that lies within the hearts of everyone- that problem is called discontentment. We all have it. Discontentment isn’t always a bad thing and can actually be helpful if it drives us to want to honour God more through the things we do. But discontentment can be a problem most of the time. It drains our wallets, ruins our hearts and drowns out the truth of God.

Paul speaks about this discontentment to the church of Philippians claiming he had found the secret to finding contentment. What is this secret? Well this “secret” is actually really far from being a secret. It’s something that is written all over the Bible. The secret is to find satisfaction in Christ.

Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” This scripture gives us the assurance that as long as Jesus runs our hearts and our desires, there is never a need to be driven by the desire for any worldly definition of satisfaction.

Now let’s not take this the wrong way. Having material possessions and wanting the new iPhone 7 is not always sinful. When that desire, however, leads us to think that we need something to find security, purpose and identity, we fall into a dangerous trap. Unrighteous discontentment can be triggered by different things- money, possessions, relationships, ministry or even knowledge.

It’s not easy to remain content in Christ. We live in a world that screams lies in our face telling us that we need to add to Christ to find true happiness- that we need a good career, a perfect church, a certain relationship. There is also the challenge of dealing with an enemy that seeks to steal, kill and destroy.

But in all of this, we are to remember the secret (which really isn’t a secret if you know the Word of God) of finding joy and satisfaction first and primarily through Jesus Christ. When we seek His ways, His kingdom and His will first, we will see everything else as just an added bonus. We will still live with bills to pay and hungers to fulfil yes, but they will no longer define us the way they once did because the joy and satisfaction found through Jesus Christ will become unlike any other.

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