Evangelism and Missions

Watching porn doubles chances of divorce, study shows


We all know that pornography is against biblical teachings, promotes promiscuity, and wastes the time of the viewer. A recent study added another reason why people should not watch pornography: It increases the risk of marriages failing.

A study led by assistant professor Samuel Perry of the University of Oklahoma’s sociology department found out that watching pornographic materials nearly doubles the chance that a couple will initiate divorce proceedings in the next two years or even less of their relationship.

The same study also revealed that married people who watch pornography and do not go to Church services are more vulnerable to falling apart and ending up being divorced.

“Beginning pornography use between survey waves nearly doubled one’s likelihood of being divorced by the next survey period, from 6 percent to 11 percent, and nearly tripled it for women, from six percent to 16 percent,” Perry said, as quoted by Life Site News.

National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCSE) executive director Dawn Hawkins said this recent study shows that the “negative impact of pornography on marriage is very real.”

“This study provides further evidence that pornography is a public health crisis not only because of its negative impacts on attitudes and behaviors of the individuals who use it, but also because of the harm it causes to marriage and family relationships every day,” Hawkins also told Life Site News.

She likewise urged couples to carefully consider this new study and ponder on the negative effects of pornography to their marriages.

“The news of this research will resonate deeply with the countless women and men whose marriages have dissolved because of pornography’s toxic influence. As they know all too well, the ideas and values communicated in pornography have consequences — consequences that damage intimate relationships,” Hawkins said.

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