Health and Science

Is Genesis History? New Film Affirms Truthfulness of Biblical Record

A soon-to-be-released documentary-style film, featuring footage from around the U.S. and interviews with over a dozen scholars and scientists, will provide visual evidence and scientific arguments for the Bible’s accounts of Creation and the Flood.

On February 23, hundreds of movie theaters across the U.S. will participate in a one-night showing of the film “Is Genesis History?” The film, produced by Compass Cinema and structured as a documentary, features interviews with respected Christian scientists, including microbiologist Kevin Anderson, astronomer Danny Faulkner, geologist Andrew Snelling, and several others.

In addition to interviews with scholars and scientists, the film’s host, Del Tackett, guides viewers through over a dozen locations and landmarks to explore the competing views of creation and evolution. Tackett is the creator of a number of media projects, including Focus on the Family’s “The Truth Project.”

“‘Is Genesis History’ is a comprehensive documentary featuring scientists and scholars looking at the world and explaining how it intersects with the history recorded in Genesis,” the film’s website states. “From rock layers to fossils to lions to stars, this fascinating film will challenge and change the way you see the world.”

In an interview with Christian News Network, Thomas Purifoy, Jr., the film’s producer and director, said “Is Genesis History?” will be useful to people of all ages.

“My daughter was one of my main inspirations for creating the documentary,” Purifoy said. “We had a conversation concerning creation and evolution, and I realized I wasn’t doing a great job explaining things to her. I knew there were a lot of exceptional scientists who could do a much better job, so with Del Tackett, we sought them out to help explain the world in light of the history recorded in Genesis.”

The book of Genesis, although controversial, is foundational for the gospel, Purifoy stated.

“Every important aspect of human culture goes back to Genesis, including marriage, sexuality, work, environmental stewardship, science, language, and much more. And all these things relate directly to the historicity of Genesis,” he said. “If you can deny Genesis as a book of history, you can deny all these things. The gospel of Jesus Christ therefore stands or falls along with the historicity of the first chapters of Genesis.”

“This is why the recent influence of theistic evolution on the church is so concerning,” Purifoy added. “This movement denies the goodness of God’s original creation by saying death existed for hundreds of millions of years before Adam, it denies a real Adam and Eve, and it denies a global flood. Theistic evolutionists are seeking to replace the history recorded in Genesis with a history of their own making; this is a dangerous thing.”

Already the film has been endorsed by Answers in Genesis and the Associates for Biblical Research. Purifoy hopes moviegoers who watch “Is Genesis History?” will be reminded of the reliability and accuracy of the Bible’s first book. Biblical authority is the primary focus of the film, he said.

“I also want moviegoers to realize that science is useful, but is not an ultimate authority,” Purifoy told Christian News Network. “Every field of science has changed many times through history, and will continue to do so. History, on the other hand, is unchanging. And if the Bible is anything, it’s a book of history.”

“Whether it reports the creation of the world, the fall of man, the coronation of King David, or the birth of Jesus, it is just recounting real events that happened in a real place at a real time,” he continued. “Furthermore, all of these events are intimately connected to one another. I want people to see this, and to realize that Genesis is the cornerstone for the history of the world.”

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