Christian Quotes

Grigg: faith

Thursday, January 12, 2017
Feast of Aelred of Hexham, Abbot of Rievaulx, 1167
Commemoration of Benedict Biscop, Abbot of Wearmouth, Scholar, 689
I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and all the saints, and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.
—Philemon 1:4-6 (ESV)
“The clergy,” says Canon Rhymes, “are called to give to the laity the benefit of their theological understanding and so help them to account for and understand the faith which is in them.” But surely there is no point in trying to account for faith: the moment it is accounted for rationally, it is no longer faith. Those whose hearts are filled with the Christian spirit… are best left to proclaim the Gospel in their own words and, above all, through the example of their own lives.
John Grigg (1924-2001)
See also Philemon 1:4-6; 1 Thess. 1:6-8; 1 Pet. 2:11,12
Quiet time reflection:
Lord, Your gift of faith has no equal. CQOD Blog email RSS
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