Daily Wisdom

Led to the Test – Matthew 4:1

Key Passage

Then the Spirit led Jesus into the desert. Jesus was taken there to be tempted by the devil.

— Matthew 4:1 ERV (Read Full Text)

Key Thought

Most of us hate tests—whether they're school tests, professional tests, or life tests. Spiritual tests are the most difficult of all. Yet in this passage and the verses that follow, Jesus faces tests that the Spirit of God led him to experience. These tests confront Jesus with a choice about the direction of his ministry: Would he take shortcuts or would he pay the full price of redeeming humanity? Jesus chose the long way, the hard way, the way of the cross and suffering. It's said that "The longest distance between two points is a shortcut!" Jesus refuses the shortcut and lives up to God's expectations for him as he is led by the Spirit. He refuses to compromise and chooses to be the obedient Son.There is great comfort for us in this. Because Jesus experienced temptation and was victorious, he can help us in our times of trials and temptations (Heb. 2:18; Heb. 4:15). In addition, his Spirit leads us and molds us into greater strength as we follow him. Let's seek help in overcoming our own temptations, and the result will be victory just as Jesus conquered sin by overcoming all of his temptations!


Holy and Righteous Father, thank you for having Jesus face times of temptation. I believe he was perfectly holy, so his life helps me put mine into perspective. Thank you for giving me the Holy Spirit to help and strengthen me in my times of crisis and trial. Thank you for Jesus who sits at your side interceding for me as I face my temptations. May the testing of my faith—the trials I face and the temptations Satan throws in my way—produce greater character in me. I want people to see you in my character and know that I am seeking to honor you. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Related Scriptures

We have a great high priest who has gone to live with God in heaven. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us continue strongly in the faith we have. Jesus, the high priest that we have, is able to understand our weaknesses. When Jesus lived on earth, he was tempted in every way. He was tempted in the same ways that we are tempted, but he never sinned. With Jesus as our high priest we can feel free to come before God's throne where there is grace (forgiveness). There we receive mercy and kindness to help us when we need it.
Hebrews 4:14-16

Forgive the sins we have done, the same as we have forgiven the people that did wrong to us. Don't let us be tempted; but save us from the Evil One.
Matthew 6:12-13

The true children of God are those people that let God's Spirit lead them.
Romans 8:14

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