Daily Wisdom

Not Me! – Mark 14:29

Key Passage

Peter said, "All the other followers may lose their faith. But I will never lose my faith."

— Mark 14:29 ERV (Read Full Text)

Key Thought

Peter, seemingly always wanting to be better or more important than the other followers of Jesus, overstates his faith. While Peter initially backs up his words to Jesus by drawing a sword and being ready to defend his Lord when Jesus is arrested, Peter runs away with the other followers when Jesus won't fight. In fact, he later denies his Lord three times. Peter is the great reminder that even those of us who possess great faith can run into confusing times when our faith seems to waver and our resolve seems to melt. Thank goodness for our forgiving Savior. However, let's heed Jesus' warning to Peter and never over-state our loyalty or be overly critical of those whose loyalty wavers. Instead, let's commit to be faithful and to reclaim those who falter.


LORD God Almighty, I am not even close to being invincible. My faith is fallible. I don't want to waver or fall. However, dear LORD, I know that without your powerful help, I will. I humbly ask for your strength and pray that I will not disappoint you or fail you. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Related Scriptures

Brothers and sisters, a person in your group might do something wrong. You people who are spiritual should go to the person who is sinning. You should help to make him right again. You should do this in a gentle way. But be careful! You might be tempted to sin, too. Help each other with your troubles. When you do this, you truly obey the law of Christ. If a person thinks that he is important when he is really not important, he is only fooling himself.
Galatians 6:1-3

My brothers and sisters, one of you may wander away from the truth. And another person may help him come back to the truth. Remember this: Any person who brings a sinner back from the wrong way will save that sinner from death (hell). By doing this, that person will cause many sins to be forgiven.
James 5:19-20

The prayer that is said with faith will make the sick person well. The Lord will heal that person. And if that person has sinned, then God will forgive those sins. Always tell each other the wrong things you have done. Then pray for each other. Do this so that God can heal you. When a good person prays hard, great things happen. Elijah was a person the same as us. He prayed that it would not rain. And it did not rain on the land for three and a half years! Then Elijah prayed that it would rain. And the rain came down from the sky, and the land grew crops again. My brothers and sisters, one of you may wander away from the truth. And another person may help him come back to the truth.
James 5:15-19

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