Daily Wisdom

United into One – Mark 10:8

Key Passage

“‘And the two people will become one.’ So the people are not two, but one.”

— Mark 10:8 ERV (Read Full Text)

Key Thought

Marriage is about two people becoming one entity. Jesus makes this powerfully clear by emphasizing “oneness” four times in the whole passage—vs. 5 – “joined”; vs. 5 – “two united into one”; vs. 6 – “no longer two but one”; and, “God has joined them.” The sexual union between a husband and wife is clearly in view with this context. This is a good and glorious union that is to be enjoyed and celebrated in marriage.


Father, thank you for your plan about the proper place for sexual intimacy within the security and protection of marriage. May I always honor you in handling my sexuality in holiness, righteousness, and love. In Jesus name. Amen.

Related Scriptures

Brothers and sisters, now I have some other things to tell you. We taught you how to live in a way that will please God. And you are living that way. Now we ask you and encourage you in the Lord Jesus to live that way more and more. You know the things we told you to do. We told you those things by the authority (power) of the Lord Jesus. God wants you to be holy. He wants you to stay away from sexual sins. God wants each one of you to learn to control your own body. Use your body in a way that is holy and that gives honor to God. Don’t let your physical desires control you. The people of the world who don’t know God do that.
1 Thessalonians 4:1-5

The husband should give his wife all that she should have as his wife. And the wife should give her husband all that he should have as her husband. The wife does not have power over her own body. Her husband has the power over her body. And the husband does not have power over his own body. His wife has the power over his body.
1 Corinthians 7:3-4

So, be happy with your own wife. Enjoy the woman you married while you were young. She is like a beautiful deer, a lovely fawn. Let her love satisfy you completely. Let her love intoxicate you always. But don’t go staggering into the arms of another woman!
Proverbs 5:18-20

Devotional provided by Heartlight®
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