
Weekly Meanderings, 10 September 2016

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To keep our focus on our coffee at this time of day, here’s how best not to spill it when you are walking — from Ana Swanson:

So what’s the best solution? The secret is that the splashes are partly because of the additional motion that your wrist introduces to the cup when you walk. If you strapped your coffee around your waist, you’d be less likely to spill it, but that also seems strange and impractical. So Han suggests the next best thing: carrying your coffee with a “claw” hand, in which you grip the rim of the cup from above. In this position, there’s less movement of the wrist, greatly reducing the oscillation in the liquid.

He finds some other solutions such as: Foam is very effective at dampening oscillations on liquid, as the chart below shows. So you can order a cappuccino. You could also, of course, just get a taller cup or use a lid.

To some, this might seem like very pointless research. But in a TED talkgiven last year, Han said the research has applications in other aspects of society as well — like how to prevent spilling oil from a fuel tank, for example. But for those in offices, it just might help keep coffee in your cup.

Susan Donaldson James on an important observation of undergrads:

A skyrocketing number of students are seeking crisis counseling at East Carolina University, prompting the school to make sure it educates pupils not just on academics but also on how to cope with life’s challenges.

ECU reported a 16 percent increase in student counseling appointments in the past two years. Those involving a crisis were up 52 percent, according to a July report that shocked officials on the Greenville, North Carolina, campus.

“It wasn’t just the numbers, it was the intensity and severity,” said ECU Director of Counseling Valerie Kisler-van Reede. “It felt like something very different was going on — a lack of resiliency and the ability to cope.”

As a result, the college has boosted its counseling staff and resources and also introduced a new program — Recognition, Insight and Openness or RIO — to teach students self-talk, journaling, mindfulness and other cognitive-affective stress management techniques.

Football coaches cannot be expected to keep their metaphors straight:

“It was tremendous,” coach Jimbo Fisher said afterward. “I thought it was the drive of the game that gave us a chance to come back. … You keep chopping, you keep sawing. When you’re in a heavyweight fight, you’re going to take shots. People are going to hit you. You just got to have the willingness to come back. Keep chopping away. That tree will fall eventually.”

The ESV has committed a serious translation infraction and it is being called out, and I hope the ESV folks will listen, and here is an excellent response, and I only have a clip of Sam Powell’s post:

How would she have heard those words? Let’s take it with the second part of the phrase, “But he shall rule over thee”, which is set in contrast to the first phrase. It’s a disjunctive clause. The word “rule” (mashal) can be good rule, benevolent rule, tyrannical rule or any other kind of rule. It’s a common word. It means to have dominion over. It is something that was not there in the relationship before the fall. It is something new. If it were there before the fall, then the curse on the woman would be that everything would be the same, which is ludicrous. The context implies that this is something new. The serpent will crawl on its belly; the ground will bring thistles, and your husband will rule over you.

Before, Adam and Eve were one flesh. There is no hint of hierarchy in the garden. It is beyond the scope of this article to go into the meaning of “help meet”, but suffice it to say that hierarchy, authority and submission are not inherent in the Hebrew word ‘ezer (help). It is the name most often given to God, Israel’s help.

Instead, the relationship of the man and the woman was a relationship of unity and love. They were one flesh, committed, loving, fleeing all others, cleaving to one another.

I believe in that context, 3:16 can only mean one thing. Eve will still long for that. Her longing will terminate on her husband. She will long for that which was lost in Eden. But instead, her husband will rule over her.

The one flesh relationship would be a broken and corrupted remnant of what it was supposed to be.

This fits the context, does no violence to the grammar, and opens up wonderful insights into the marriage relationship.

Remember that God had promised already to crush the head of the serpent. The curse would one day be overcome. This was foretold in the Song of Songs:

I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me. (Sol 7:10 KJV)

The Song is a picture of redeemed relationship. One that could not happen apart from the gospel of Christ. His longing to her and her longing to him are mutual. Instead of him ruling over her, he desires her. When the word is only used three times, it cannot be an accident that Solomon is referring to the curse on the woman and looking forward to the time when that is taken away.

New Definition of antique:

If you have the iPhone 5S or earlier, it’s a no brainer [to upgrade to iPhone 7]. You want to have the latest technology, not a phone from 2013.

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