The Bailey Drink


John 1:1,2 ¶ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God.

This passage obviously connects the first pages of the Bible to the revelation of God in Christ in the New Testament. God spoke and everything that exists came into being. The agency of the creation of all things is God’s Word. Now this is where it gets really interesting, John went on to say that the Father’s Word is a distinct person who became a man. John 1:14 ¶ ‘And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth’. This is the whole point of our Christmas celebration, it is the greatest of all mysteries, God Himself took on human flesh. Here are some words from Martin Luther on this mystery person that John called the Word.

“If the Word preceded all creatures, and all creatures came by the Word and were created through it, the Word must be a different being than a creature, and was not made or created like a creature. It must therefore be eternal and without beginning. For when all things began it was already there, and cannot be confined in time nor in creation, but is above time and creation, yea, time and creation are made and have their beginning through it. Thus it follows that whatever is not temporal must be eternal; and that which has no beginning cannot be temporal; and that which is not a creature must be God. For besides God and His creatures there is nothing. Hence we learn from this text of Moses, that the Word of God, which was in the beginning and through which all things were made and spoken must be God eternal and not a creature.”
The point of all this is that the Creator of all things loves us; He loves you. He went to unthinkable extremes to reach out to all of us in our fallen condition. He became part of His own creation, He became part of His own creation when He was conceived in the womb of a young jewish virgin. Christ came to the earth to die on a cross for sinners. What is our part in this great Christmas drama? It’s really quite simple, all He wants is for us to make room in our hearts for Him. When that happens you will experience the real purpose of God’s creation, to know God’s love in a personal way and to experience the effects of His grace in your life.

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