The Bailey Drink


Heb. 6:14,15 – saying, “Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise.

You ever wonder about Christians who used to be on fire, always in church, apparently excited about spiritual things and then…. One day you found yourself wondering “Whatever happened to so and so?” They just seemed to disappear, their life swallowed up by the cares, temptations, and the struggles of life. Why is that? Maybe there is a hint to the answer in today’s verse. Could it be that there is something in the blessing of God and the calling of God connected to perseverance? It seems that those that really get it begin to want to help reach others and share the blessing of God with them. Maybe we are set apart by God for a purpose. Maybe that purpose is to display the glory of God’s grace through our changed life to others. Without that element in our life we just seem to slide back into the world with no purpose or meaning in our lives. Here is how Andrew Murray describes perseverance and its connection to the blessing of God.

“Every believer who will but claim, and give himself up to the blessing of God, will find that the blessing is a power of the divine life which will make him fruitful in blessing to others, and make it true of him too, multiplying I will multiply thee. Even we, like Christ, can become priests, bringing the blessing of God to those who know Him not. It is when this fulness of blessing in its divine energy, when this blessing I will bless thee begins to be understood, and the soul sees that there is something beyond the mere being saved from wrath, that there is a becoming the recipient, and the channel, and the dispenser, of life and blessing to others, that it becomes willing to sacrifice everything, and in longsuffering to endure until it obtain the promise.”

So have you found your spiritual purpose in life? You were born to glorify God by displaying His love by enjoying Him forever. It is your joy in God that cries from the rooftops that God is real and alive in you. So go ahead and delight in Him. Share your joy in God with the hurting people in your life. Maybe this will be the key to overcoming the trials that have tried to hold you back.

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