No one won a majority of votes

Democrats are claiming a moral victory–and sometimes an actual rightful victory–by saying that Hillary Clinton won the majority of the popular vote. Actually, no one won a majority.

She won a plurality, but not a majority. Clinton had 47.7%. Donald Trump had 47.5%.

Some 5 million Americans voted for neither candidate.

The turnout was about 57%. So barely a majority of Americans so much as voted.

HT: Ned

From Hillary Clinton Surpasses Donald Trump In Popular Vote Tally: Shades Of 2000? : The Two-Way : NPR:

As of midday Thursday ET, Clinton had amassed 59,938,290 votes nationally, to Trump’s 59,704,886 — a margin of 233,404 that puts Clinton on track to become the fifth U.S. presidential candidate to win the popular vote but lose the election.

Neither candidate got more than 50 percent of the vote: As of noon Wednesday, Clinton stood at 47.7 percent and Trump at 47.5 percent.

“Trump crossed the 270 electoral vote threshold at 2:31 a.m. ET with a victory in Wisconsin,” as NPR’s Carrie Johnson reported last night.

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