Christian doctrine has a twofold object. The primary object of doctrine is God; the secondary object is all things in relation to God. Doctrine teaches us to see God as the one from whom and through whom and to whom all things exist, and doctrine directs our lives to this God’s glory (Rom. 11:36; 1 Cor. 8:6).

When I was young, I only thought of my future: Whom would I marry? What vocation would I pursue? Where would I live? Now that I am the father of four children, I think only of their future..

On Judgment Day, we will see clearly what we so struggle to see in the here and now. Augustine once put it so well when he said that there was just enough mercy in the world for us to know that God is merciful and just enough justice to know that God is just. On the Last Day, we will see the glorious good purposes for which God ordained the actions of all of His creatures–including those actions that would be evil.

Throughout human history, men have wrestled with the problem of evil. The questi..

Virtue signaling is the conspicuous expression of moral values by an individual done primarily to enhance their standing within a social group. The term was first used in signaling theory, to describe any behavior that could be used to signal virtue – especially piety among the religious faithful.

Virtue signaling is the new self-righteousness. And self-righteousness is for sissies.

Every once in a while a term is coined that just has purchase. Political correctness is such a term. Some peop..

Affirmation: God has established a pluriformity of institutions (e.g. civil society) for the sake of social order.
Denial: the church has no calling to establish social order but will have an indirect influence on peace and order by encouraging godliness in her members.

Thanks to Zrim, I remembered another internet intervention about 2k. This one was at Greenbaggins at the instigation of Reed DePace. It was a three–part series but here reproduced in one post.

Theological Affirmations

1) Affir..

In Mexico City at a United Nations conference in 1984, the Reagan Administration introduced what became known as the “Mexico City Policy,” which required nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) receiving U.S. aid to sign agreements that they would not perform abortions. Just as former President Bill Clinton blocked the law when he took office in 1993, former President Barack Obama again overturned it in 2009.

(WNS)–President Donald Trump followed in former President George W. Bush’s footsteps on J..

It is appalling today how so little is known by teenagers about biblical doctrine in conservative churches. Many cannot define the doctrine of the Trinity. They don’t know the difference between justification and sanctification. They don’t know what the ordo salutis is. If our children grow up without knowing basic Christian doctrine, then we are failing them. Bland and generic non-denominational Sunday School literature will not suffice.

There is nothing particularly biblical about a Sunday S..

As for the “liberty” language of the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, which later abortion cases made the basis for the supposed right to abortion, Gorsuch, in his book on assisted suicide and euthanasia, seems to reject using the 14th Amendment “liberty” language to justify heretofore unknown rights, like abortion. Otherwise, liberty becomes a broad charter for the arrogant judicial creation of what is, in effect, a new Bill of Rights. Gorsuch argues that judges have no Constitutional ..

Life is hard. But as you think about the wonder of the Lord’s salvation, even when life is hard, especially when life is hard, there are times when pure joy should erupt in your soul. Psalm 126 records the journey of Israel going up to Jerusalem to worship. This psalm captures this joy.

Laughter and praise flow freely in the psalm. This psalm is one that brings perspective. God has indeed rescued you from the pit. You are not treated as your sins deserve. You will know the joy of eternity with ..

“Systematic theology thus contemplates the body of biblical teaching as a living organism, offering loving attention to its various members and tracing their organic relations to each another. Ultimately, systematic theology helps us better understand God and all things in relation to God.”

“Systematic theology” is a label with admittedly clinical connotations. It conjures a picture of the theologian as someone who takes in hand the living Word of God only to dissect and dismember the body of b..

There will be no “he was a good man” or “celebration of life” nonsense. I am not a good man, and celebration of life funerals are for those who have no hope in eternity and wish to drown out that noise with the best alternative they have. Christians ought not celebrate at the closing of life.

I am dying. I don’t know exactly when it started, but at some point, I stopped growing, my body began breaking down, and sometime within the next twenty to forty years—maybe a little more—I’ll be gone. Thi..