
A Clip From Free (and Faithful) State of Jones

Free State of Jones, opening tomorrow, June 24, is a far cry from the sequels and superhero movies that typically saturate theaters during the summer. Starring a very grizzled Matthew McConaughey, the movie tells the story of Newton Knight, who led a rebellion (based in Jones County, Miss.) against the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. It is, as its press suggests, a movie for adults—full of hefty themes, heavy moments and a significant level of spirituality.

I’ll talk more about the movie early next week, but I thought I’d give you a little teaser for now—courtesy this YouTube post from the nigh-all-knowing Peter Chattaway—a moment that I loved in the movie.

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“You cannot own a child of God.” A powerful statement. And one that, in many sectors of the world, we forget about even today.

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