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Postelection Opportunities

This summer, Phillips served on a Presbyterian Church in America denominational committee that helped approve an overture apologizing for racism in the denomination’s history. “This is Christian love in action,” he says. “Why would we not want to say we are appalled these things happened and we’re sorry for that? Why would we not repudiate them publicly?”

Two Sundays before American voters elected Donald Trump to become the 45th president of the United States, many American churchgoers marked the 499th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

In some churches, Christians clutched hymnals and sang “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” belting out Martin Luther’s rousing lyrics: “Let goods and kindred go, this mortal life also—the body they may kill; God’s truth abideth still: His kingdom is forever.”

It was a fitting way to begin a week consumed by news of temporal leaders in earthly kingdoms.

Those new leaders matter, and Trump’s election has substantial implications for the future of the United States. But in considering what the presidential election means for evangelical Christians, another important question arises: What does it not mean?

Will religious liberty remain under assault? It’s likely, but Christ-centered believers won’t exercise their religious faith less and won’t stop proclaiming Biblical doctrines.

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