Daily Verses

So Dry and Thirsty

"If you knew . . . who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

John 4:10, NIV

While the woman of Samaria and I have many differences, we have one thing in common. I, too, find myself from time to time running on empty.

In the busyness of ministry,

the weariness of activity,

the excitement of opportunity,

I sometimes wake up and realize, “I am so dry and thirsty.” Invariably, when I examine myself, the reason for the dryness of spirit can be traced to one thing. I’m not drinking freely of the Water of Life. I’m neglecting my Bible study. I’m rushing through my prayer time. I’m not listening to the voice of the Lord because I’m just too busy to be still. At those times I carve out quiet interludes to confess my sins and read and meditate and pray and listen and just drink Him in. Thank You, dear God, for still giving us today, Living Water from the Well that never goes dry.

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