Life & Society

More porn addicts suffer from erectile dysfunction, says psychosexual expert


Porn destroys the emotional wellbeing and relationships of its users. If that is not bad enough for people to stay away from porn completely, the results of a new study could perhaps finally convince them to quit porn for good.

Angela Gregory, a leading psychosexual therapist, tells the BBC that there is an increasing number of young men attending her clinic at Nottingham University Hospital in England seeking treatment for erectile dysfunction because of their addiction to online porn.

Because of their constant exposure to graphic images and films, these men are having a lot of difficulty getting aroused in the bedroom. Gregory blames the ease of use of smartphones and tablets, which enables men to access porn wherever and whenever they want.

"What I've seen over the last 16 years, particularly the last five years, is an increase in the amount of younger men being referred," Gregory said. "Our experience is that historically men that were referred to our clinic with problems with erectile dysfunction were older men whose issues were related to diabetes, MS, cardio vascular disease."

She added that these younger men do not have organic disease, and "everything is fine with them." This made her ask them if pornography use and masturbation have become a habit for them. "That can be the cause of their issues about maintaining an erection with a partner," she said.


One such man with erectile dsyfunction, who chose to go by the name Nick, said despite wanting to have sex with "real world" partners, he finds himself unable to do so because he is "wired to porn."

"At my peak I was probably watching up to two hours of porn every day," he confessed. "What I was watching, it definitely got more extreme over a short period of time in my case. There was nothing that would give me a kick. Normal stuff didn't do anything any more, so I had to get more and more extreme material."

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