
Alveda King: I’m Sick of Pro-Abortion Politicians Using Race-Baiting to Deceive Black Voters

Alveda King, the niece of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr, has released a pro-life message for Black History Month. The Civil Rights leader says she is sick and tired of pro-abortion politicians using race-baiting to deceive black voters into supporting them.

“For years liberals and progressives have skillfully appealed to the Black communities, vying for the African American vote while maintaining that abortion is good for blacks and, conversely, that those who are pro-life are somehow anti-African American,” King told LifeNews in a statement.

King says abortion funding is one way pro-abortion liberal politicians falsely use race to appeal to black voters.

“They have alleged that the Hyde Amendment, for instance, is inherently racist and that those who support it must be the same. It’s one of those race baiting charges that makes no sense,” King explains.

“For example: When Congress held a hearing last year on the Hyde Amendment and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, Democratic Congressman Steve Cohen couldn’t resist playing the race card. He started by saying, “Controlling women’s reproductive processes has been something that men have done for years, or tried to do,” then moved on to add, ”And women since the days of slavery were very much encouraged to have children, because that was good, because you needed lots of more property to bring the crops to make the money,” she said.

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“So, as the Congressman not so subtly inferred, if you don’t want your tax dollars to pay for the dismemberment of low-income mothers’ unborn children – or any unborn children for that matter – you must be like 19th century slave owners. In short, you must be a racist. Really? Twisted attempt to pervert justice,” King added.

“Think about it. Why would Congressman Cohen’s imagined “racist” want more people of color to be born? Wouldn’t a racist want there to be fewer African Americans and Latinos?” she asked.

King says Planned Parenthood continues the racist mission of Margaret Sanger.

She said: “Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, certainly would want fewer poor people around. Sanger, who happily spoke to a women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan and received invitations to speak to a dozen more, said, ‘Birth control… means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks – those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.’”

King continued: “Mrs. Sanger was a progressive in her era and she would be a progressive today, supporting the race baiters and calling for an end to the Hyde Amendment. She wanted fewer of those she called “unfit.” She wanted what she called “a cleaner race.”

She concluded: “It’s time that we stop allowing ourselves to be divided. Those who use ethnicity, skin color, political preference, religion, income, gender, physical ability or lack of such, or any other classification to divide our communities for their own political gain ultimately do not care for us. They care for themselves and their power.”


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