
‘They’re Censoring the Christian Voice’: Pakistan Shuts Down Christian Stations in Urdu

Pakistan pd-compressedPakistan (Mission Network News) Pakistan, already in the spotlight for religious freedom violations, now faces accusations of outright censorship.

In an order issued three weeks ago, the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), which regulates television broadcasts in Pakistan, shut down Christian stations broadcasting in Urdu. Bruce Allen, of Forgotten Missionaries International, described the broadcasters’ reactions.

“The Christian community was blindsided by this, even those who were in the media industry,” he said. “This was not expected.”

According to FMI, the PEMRA directive states the Christian stations are deemed “illegal and unlicensed.” However, Allen notes, “Even though this directive is talking about ‘illegal and unlicensed’ stations, there are 30 Islamic stations that are unlicensed and they’re not mentioned at all.”

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