Category: News

News from various parts of the world

By micoots

Woman Complains About Body Image Issues After Late-Term Abortion of Girl With Spina Bifida

Missouri mom Jessica McCoy had a late-term abortion a few months ago after learning that her unborn daughter had spina bifida and a chromosomal abnormality.

The mother of three born children has been sharing about her abortion publicly, both describing her grief at the loss of her daughter and justifying her decision to have her unborn daughter killed because of the girl’s disabilities.

Several women’s publications picked up McCoy’s story this week after she posted photos on Instagram describi..

By micoots

Texas Lawmakers Initially Approve Bill to Ban Abortions on Babies Just Because of Their Race or Gender

Today, the Texas Senate passed Senate Bill 415, the Dismemberment Abortion Ban, on second reading. The bill was preliminarily approved by the Senate on a bipartisan 22-9 vote. In addition to every Republican of the Senate supporting the measure, two Democrats – Senators Eddie Lucio Jr. (D-Brownsville) and Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo) – voted for the life-saving measure.

Senate Bill 415 and House Bill 844, the Dismemberment Abortion Ban, outlaw the barbaric and inhumane procedure that ends the li..

By micoots

More Patients in Quebec Killed in Assisted Suicide as Hundreds Request Lethal Drugs

CBC news reported (March 14) that the number of euthanasia deaths in Québec significantly increased in the second half of 2016. According to the CBC news report:

A total of 461 patients were granted doctor-assisted death during the first year of Quebec’s medical aid in dying law, according to data obtained by CBC’s French-language service, Radio-Canada.

The number of requests increased significantly in the second half of 2016. From December 2015 to end of June 2016, 253 patients requested the ..

By micoots

Woman Was About to Have an Abortion When Something Incredible Happened to Save Her Baby’s Life

Two volunteers at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Pensacola spoke to a deeply troubled young woman who had conceived a child as the result of a sexual assault.

“She was hurting and felt that abortion was her only solution to the recent trauma she had experienced,” said Ernie, the local coordinator.

Counselors offered encouragement, assistance, prayers and tears. But still, she believed abortion was her only option … and she went inside the abortion center. The volunteers kept praying – and trust..

By micoots

Birth Control and Contraception Don’t Reduce Abortions Despite False Claims From New Study

As congressional efforts to defund Planned Parenthood gain momentum, it is unsurprising that the abortion provider is fighting back. The group recently funded a study – carried out by the liberal think tank Child Trends — which makes some outlandish claims about the purported health benefits of contraception.

The study claims that if all women of childbearing age could access a complete range of contraception methods, both the unintended-pregnancy rate and the abortion rate would fall by more t..

By micoots

Activists Celebrate Abortion Provider Appreciation Day, “We’re Grateful for Abortion Doctors”

There is so much going on, including plans to cut the half-billion dollar stream of federal dollars to Planned Parenthood, you might anticipate that the largest provider of abortions on the face of the planet might pay less attention than usual to the “National Day of Appreciation for Abortion Providers.”

I went to PPFA’s twitter account and after searching in vain for a reference, plugged the word “abortion” into the search engine. For the period of the last two days, the word appeared just th..

By micoots

Amazing Video Shows Huge Pro-Life Flashmob at Peru March for Life

Organizers of the Peru March for Life created an enthusiastic new video recently that shows a flashmob celebrating the lives of babies in the womb.

Churchpop reports the pro-life organizers created the music video to promote the upcoming march. The video shows a lively crowd of young pro-lifers gathering in downtown Lima, dancing and singing as they celebrate the lives of babies in the womb.

The pro-life event, Marcha por la Vida, is scheduled for March 25 in Lima. The theme this year is “Take..

By micoots

Her Abortion Was Botched So Badly it Left Part of the Baby “Putrefying” Inside of Her

Jane nearly died from an illegal, botched abortion prior to Roe v. Wade. And for that reason, she is fighting to keep abortion legal today.

She and three other women who had illegal abortions prior to Roe recently shared their horrific abortion experiences in a video by The Scene, according to the Daily Mail.

Jane, whose last name is not provided, said she had the abortion in 1968 after a man broke into her room, raped her and threatened to kill her. One horrifying event led to another when sh..

By micoots

Vice President Pence Says Obamacare Repeal Will be Pro-Life: “We Will Protect the Sanctity of Life”

After meeting with pro-life leaders, pro-life Vice President Mike Pence said that any legislation approved to repeal and replace Obamacare would be pro-life.

Pence held a “listening session” with several pro-life leaders late Thursday and asked for suggestions or improvement on the legislation that a House committee has already approved. The meeting lasted over an hour.

“The conversation focused on ensuring that the sanctity of life is respected and included in efforts to repeal and replace Ob..

By micoots

Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer Falsely Claims Planned Parenthood Provides Mammograms

The lie that Planned Parenthood does mammograms continues.

On Tuesday, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer defended the abortion giant’s taxpayer funding by claiming that it provides mammograms, maternity care and other important health services for women, according to the Daily Caller.

#Trumpcare cuts @PPFA funds, hurting millions of women who turn there for mammograms, maternity care, cancer screenings & more.

— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) March 7, 2017
