Woman Was About to Have an Abortion When Something Incredible Happened to Save Her Baby’s Life
Two volunteers at the 40 Days for Life vigil in Pensacola spoke to a deeply troubled young woman who had conceived a child as the result of a sexual assault.
“She was hurting and felt that abortion was her only solution to the recent trauma she had experienced,” said Ernie, the local coordinator.
Counselors offered encouragement, assistance, prayers and tears. But still, she believed abortion was her only option … and she went inside the abortion center. The volunteers kept praying – and trusting in God.
About an hour later, she came back out. When the staff was trying to start an IV, they could not find a vein. And because of that, she decided not to have the abortion.
“She took this as a sign from God that He does not want her to do this,” Ernie explained.
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Later that same day, a second mother chose life for her child.
“What if no one had been there to speak with and pray for these two mothers?” Ernie asked. “The results may have been completely the opposite.”
LifeNews.com Note: Shawn Carney is the campaign director for the 40 Days for Life pro-life prayer campaign against abortion.