The Bailey Drink


When the cloud was taken up from over the tabernacle, the children of Israel went onward. Exodus 40:36

This is what made the children of Israel different from all of the other nations of the world, the presence of God was with them. The presence brought them protection, guidance, and light. The presence of God with the children of Israel guaranteed victory over all of their enemies. When would they get in trouble? There was always problems when they didn’t follow the cloud. How does this message relate to us in our modern world and our different kinds of problems and challenges? We may not have the physical, visible cloud of glory with us, but we have the presence of the Lord. He is with us and even inside of us. You can learn to practice His presence on a daily basis, as you do you will find His clear direction and help even in the practical affairs of your life. Watchman Nee often spoke about following the blessing or the glory of the Lord. Here are his thoughts on today’s verse.
“Just as all God’s speaking to His people in those far-off days was from between the cherubim of glory, so all His leading of them onward was by means of that same glory. In the cloud by day and the fire by night, the glory of God appeared, and by it they moved. For us too all revelation of God’s will issues from His glory. See the glory of God in relation to any matter and we have discovered God’s leading in regard to it. You ask me, “Is this His will? Is that?” I reply by asking in turn, “Is God’s glory resting there?” Discern that, and you need wait for nothing further. For the divine glory itself expresses the divine will. Guidance is thus simply a matter of correspondence to that. Where God’s glory rests, we need not ask the way.”
This example reminds me of how the Lord directed me to start a church in NOLA many years ago. I was organizing a team from our Bible School to plant a church in Sacramento. The only problem, I became aware that the Lord was not in that endeavor. I had no peace and I knew it just didn’t feel right. Rather than plowing through, thankfully I sought counsel. The pastors from our ministry got away to pray and the Lord directed all of us that I was to return to my home town to start a church. The glory of the Lord was directing me, I am so glad I followed.

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