Comment countIt’s been quite a week. As I type this, I’m hanging out in downtown Denver as an anti-Trump rally winds past me, the sky filled with chants and signs saying “NOT MY PRESIDENT.”
However we pulled the lever for, I think most of us can agree that our democracy wasn’t exactly at its brightest this election season. A good many Americans disliked both candidates from the start—a rock-bottom beginning that somehow kept going lower. Most of us had to vote for the candidate we disliked least..

From Doctor Strange. Photo courtesy DisneySuperheroes have always been religious. But Marvel’s great, trippy new movie Doctor Strange takes superhero spirituality to the mirror dimension and unfolds it in a dozen fascinating ways. Underneath all the story’s Eastern mysticism and occult trappings, there’s a deeply Christian undercurrent here.

Perhaps we should’ve expected Doctor Strange to be pretty religious. Director Scott Derrickson is one of Hollywood’s best-known and most influe..

One day in 1958 on a street corner in Louisville, KY, the Catholic monk Thomas Merton had a mystical experience that he recounts in his book “Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander”:

“In Louisville, at the corner of Fourth and Walnut, in the center of the shopping district, I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all those people, that they were mine and I theirs, that we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers. It was like waking from a dream of se..

Comment countFrom Hacksaw Ridge, photo courtesy Summit EntertainmentChristianity is bloody.
The whole thing started with an execution. If the early Christians had any tact—or, at least, a good PR agency—they would’ve downplayed the religion’s messy, off-putting beginning and encourage prospective newcomers to concentrate on something else. Instead, the cross has become the central symbol of our faith—something we slap on our walls and hang around our necks and embroider on our throw pillows. It’..

I had a dream about Mel Gibson recently. His face was very close to mine and his beard was gone. He looked very serious. I congratulated him on his new film “Hacksaw Ridge,” his first in 10 years.

But he held up a print out of one of my reviews from his 2004 blockbuster “The Passion of the Christ.” “But you didn’t review this one very well,” he said. I started to explain my issue wi..

Comment countMore than 20 million people watched last Sunday’s Season Seven premiere of The Walking Dead. No surprise there, given that AMC’s zombie show has been a ratings winner ever since its inception.
The episode was brutal, with new Big Bad Negan killing two popular characters with his barbed-wire-wrapped baseball bat Lucille. No surprise there either, according to longtime fans. The Walking Dead has always been incredibly bloody.
But for me, the episode was incredibly hard to watch. It fe..

Season 2 opens with David Letterman and Cecily Strong raining the bell on climate change
On Sunday night, October 30, “Years of Living Dangerously” begins its second season and it’s message is loaded with doom, frustration and tinged with hope if only Big Corporations + government will get out of the way.
David Letterman (and his beard) are in India, a country with almost 400 million people, the population of the USA, who live without electricity. All efforts to upgrade the decrepit grid or are ..

The Pope and Leonardo DiCaprio (Photo: L’Osservatore Romano)
You may recall when Oscar-winning actor Leonardo di Caprio, an ardent environmentalist, met with Pope Francis in January. The Pope gave Leonardo bound copies of his two encyclicals and Leonardo presented him with a book of the art of the 15th century Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch. It includes the triptych of “The Garden of Delights” with the Garden of Eden on one side, the end of the world, or Last Judgment on the other, and bodies in..

Over at the Innocence Project they have posted an amazing list of films and television shows (and links to trailers) about wrongful convictions. Let’s hear it: Hurray for Hollywood – for the stories they tell that can make a difference in the world. This is just the first few; I’ve added the link to take you to the IP page.
Do you want to know more about wrongful conviction, but you’re not sure where to look? No worries. You don’t need to sit in court or be a lawyer to learn m..

Comment countIt amazes me how many children show up in horror movies they’re not allowed to see. Kids are everywhere in fright flicks. Either they’re innocent waifs running from horrific, kid-killing entities (The Shining, The Conjuring, etc.) or they’re the horrific entities themselves, bent on ridding the world of a few adults (Children of the Corn, The Ring, etc.). Sometimes, like in The Exorcist, they manage to be both.
Regan from The Exorcist, courtesy Warner Bros.But most of the time, we ..