We should have seen this coming. After all it was a Disney / Pixar film that captured the mantra of the secular Progressives: “We scare because we care.”

Just as we describe in You Will Be Made to Care, Disney has joined the NFL and other compassionate bullies to try to shut down even stripped-down religious freedom protection in Georgia under the auspices of opposing discrimination. They are threatening to take their Marvel movie-making magic somewhere else if Georgia passes HB 757 to protect r..

It takes a majority.

It takes a majority of delegates to win the Republican nomination for President.

It is not complicated.

It is not new.

These rules have been basically the same since the founding of the Party. A majority of the delegates to the convention must vote for a candidate if he or she is to become the Party’s nominee.

Yet Trump and his fans are demanding the rules be changed to accommodate him.
They are demanding that the Establishment (whatever that is anymore) rip up the rules and..

My friend Dr. McKay Caston (who happens to also be my pastor) preached a sermon recently that demonstrates how pastors can and should preach about religious freedom.

It is fine example of speaking the truth in love and preparing a congregation for the rising tide of persecution in America.

McKay has agreed to let me post the audio here and share his sermon notes below. You can follow his blog here.

I encourage you to share them with pastors and church leaders and prayerfully encourage them to en..