The phrase “chosen by God” is used in a variety of ways. Some people use it in the concept of saying that God chose them to do some sort of special thing. Unfortunately, my experience is that people who usually proclaim this, often when you first meet them, do so is a bragging sense and quickly reveal by what they say that they are a theological mess. Other’s refer to being chosen of God in the sense of world leaders playing a part in end times events. Still others use the phrase to refer to peo..

What does the Bible say about “togetherness?” Why is it important?

The word “together” is an adjective and according to the etymology dictionary, it means “to be present in one place,” “in a group,” or “in an accumulated mass.” The word “together” is a variant of the adverb “geador” and means “to unite, to join” or be “in a body” and that seems perfectly fitting to the concept of being together as the Body of Christ, the church. We are united in one body and with one mind, “to be prese..

I’ve never been fond of the term, “Christian Apologist”. For several years now, I’ve tried to find a clearer expression. I typically refer to myself as a “Christian Case Maker” when trying to explain my work in Cold-Case Christianity. I think this title better captures the nature of my desire as a Christian communicator. Most people understand what case makers are all about; everyone’s served on a jury, heard about important criminal cases in the news, seen a movie or read a book that describes ..

I occasionally get asked to review cold-cases for local agencies. I examine the evidence they’ve collected to help them determine if they’ve got enough to file the case with the District Attorney. I employ an approach that I’ve described in Cold-Case Christianity, called “Abductive Reasoning”; a process that also has application for those of us who examine the evidence of Scripture. One local cold-case, like all my cases, relied on a cumulative collection of circumstantial evidences. Convincing ..

What does it mean that we are to be slaves of Christ?

Slaves or Servants?
Did you know that you will find the Greek word for “slave” about 150 times in the New Testament? That shouldn’t surprise us because they estimate that about one in four people in the Roman Empire were slaves, but the word “servant” is translated “slave” only in a few of those 150 times it’s mentioned. Why? The translators didn’t really like the word “slave” because of the connotations that word brought. They liked “servan..

In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Broadcast, J. Warner discusses the importance of making the case for the reliability of the Bible, even when we are tempted to jump into arguments related to culture, politics or current events. Why is the case for the Bible more important than any other discussion we might have? J. Warner also discusses the important role of fathers in the culture and the Biblical calling of fatherhood. What role does fatherhood play in stabilizing our future?


Here are seven encouraging Bible verses about the open arms of God.

Luke 15:20 “And he arose and came to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and felt compassion, and ran and embraced him and kissed him.”

This might be one of the most favorite of all parables, because I think most of us can identify with it. Even though Jesus never calls the son a prodigal, it’s known as the Parable of the Prodigal Son. When the younger son took his inheritance and squandered i..

All of us have experienced frustration at some point in our life. Things you try to do or plans that you make just do not seem to work out. The work you put in to make things happen then seems like a wasted effort and you feel frustrated that you are not able to accomplish what you started out to do. Some apply this idea of frustration to God’s grace. Usually it is done with the idea of communicating how we can frustrate God’s grace in our lives. Can we frustrate God’s grace? Scripture reveals s..

As an atheist, I rarely found it necessary to defend my position when talking with friends who believed in the existence of God. After all, my Christian friends were the ones who were making a claim about an invisible Being; certainly the burden of proof belonged to them rather than me. I simply held the “default” position: There’s no need to defend the absence of something that appears to be absent! From my perspective, theists alone were the ones who needed to make a case. My position as an at..

How can we become “fishers of men?” The Bible tells us how.

Knowing the Law Convicts
Until a person is convicted of their sin, they will never see their need for the Savior. The law does one thing above all; it shows that we’re all guilty and worthy of God’s wrath. That’s because the law shows us what sin is and that sin is the transgression of the law of God (1st John 3:4). Even though we are not under the law today, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to live in obedience to the law. The law ..