What characteristics should you look for in a biblically solid church?
Expositional PreachingIf you are at a church that does not preach from the Word of God, then you are at nothing more than a social gathering like a country club, because if they are not preaching the Word, they are not feeding the flock, and they are being disobedient to Christ’s commands to feed His sheep (John 21:17). The Apostle Paul tells Timothy to “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, ..

DALLAS, TX – Full Enjoyment Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas has announced they will be streaming The Super Bowl live during their regularly scheduled Sunday evening service. The announcement comes on the heels of some backlash the church received, after they canceled services on Christmas and New Years (which both fell on Sunday) a few weeks ago. Many questioned the church’s faithfulness to corporate worship.
The church says they will start streaming the game behind the pulpit, and leave it on f..

Why the search for a church that meets your needs is futile

Carey Nieuwhof
ChristianWeek Columnist
January 31, 2017

Any church leader who’s been in ministry for more than a few months has heard different variations of it:

I’m looking for a church that meets my needs.

What are you going to do to better meet my needs?

I’m leaving this church to find one that better suits my needs.

The longer a Christian has been in church, the more likely it is that they’ve u..

February is the first full month of the Trump administration, and Black History Month may be as important as it’s ever been.

At minimum, it’s a needed annual reminder that the citizens of these United States, from their origin down to today, have not lived up to the professed vision of “liberty and justice for all.” Even more, as Christians, it’s a chance to celebrate the creative brilliance of the God who “made from one man every nation of mankind” (Acts 17:26), and the redemptive beauty of ..

Mainline, Western Christianity has long had a problematic understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity. This has played out in various ways, whether it is through the various cults like Mormonism and Jehovah’s Witnesses, or simply due to biblical illiteracy and a painful lack of historical teaching on this doctrine. However, it must be stated: this is certainly not due to a lack of proper teaching on the matter, even when books/movies like The Shack are available. We live in an age where there i..

It is truly a gift to feel confirmed and fully utilized in the circumstances and roles in which we find ourselves today. It is challenging, but bearable, to be in a hardship with a clear purpose and a definitive timeframe.

But what do we do when our life plans take an unexpected, unrequested detour? How should we respond when clearly-directed paths are interrupted with seemingly counterproductive stall outs? To what can we cling when we find ourselves on a wilderness journey with no end in si..

Learning to throw flower bombs in a world torn by violence

Karina Kreminski

January 30, 2017

Today I walked my neighbourhood with my six year old niece.

She took her phone and I told her that we would go on a photographic journey. “What’s that?” she said. I told her that we would walk the streets and she could take photographs of anything she wanted and that this would tell and record our story for the day. She thought it was a great idea.

Mostly she took photos of d..