2Cor. 13:9 For we rejoice when we ourselves are weak but you are strong; this we also pray for, that you be made complete.

Let’s face it, we are all pretty goofed up. Why would I say that? First of all we are all born flawed. Our very nature is twisted and distorted as a result of our fallen nature. It just gets worse from there. All our lives have been spent either being victims or victimizing others, both positions have their consequences. What is the solution? Redemption. You see redemption..

We could call this a culture war, except that it is a war between culture and anti-culture, a de-creation or de-culturalization. Legutko describes these people, despite their prestige and power, as “a homo novus, uneducated, vulgar, primitive, having nothing but contempt for tradition … for history, culture, and anything subtle, genteel, elegant, beautiful, or spiritual.”

Ryszard Legutko observes in The Demon in Democracy that the cultured despisers of religion will not rest until they have lev..

“Yes, Geerhardus Vos, whose biblical theological method is the bedrock for much Reformed Christocentric preaching these days, preached non-Christocentric sermons. At least three, at any rate. I have not read all his sermons, but it only takes a few counter-examples to prove that Vos was not the father of modern Christ-centered preaching.”

My three-part series on Christ-centered or “Gospel preaching” (sermons that always have an explicit message of Christ as “integral,” the “climax”, and the las..

“In much coverage of American Christianity, this mindset is obvious: You believe that God ordained marriage as the union of a man and a woman? Well, that’s just bigotry in search of a belief system, religion wielded as a club against the marginalized.”

Honesty is a wonderful thing. Last week, during an interview with Terry Gross, New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet made a welcome confession:

I want to make sure that we are much more creative about beats out in the country so that we un..

“This is why it is perhaps helpful to speak of the preservation of the Christian by God before speaking of the Christian’s perseverance. Yet, even as we do this we need to be clear about what the Christian is persevering in doing. Put another way, what does God’s preservation of his covenant people, the bride of Christ, the Church, result in them continuing to do throughout this lifetime?”

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” God is life. There is no life apart from God. Fo..

“Dissent over the Presbyterian Church (USA) stance on same-sex marriage and other issues began years ago. Then in 2015 the session — similar to a board of deacons — of Central Presbyterian Church formally requested “dismissal with property” from the Presbyterian Church (USA) in late 2015, saying they wanted to affiliate with the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, or ECO.”

Members of an Athens Presbyterian church who want to change denominations are free to join a more conservative Pre..