In some ways, my immediate family starts with the story of my engagement to my wife, which actually happened at a birthday party she threw for me. When I was about to blow out the candles on the cake, I surprised her, and everyone else, by getting down on one knee and saying, “My wish is that you would marry me.” After we talked with everyone and made a number of phone calls to friends and family, we went outside and immediately saw a rai..

SMcK: I want to express my gratitude to Joe James for this exceptional set of solid discussions about the praxis of table.
Trusting the Table (5) – The Church is a Sign, Not a Solution
This post wraps up my series, “Trusting the Table.” My previous posts have merely been the long road to this one, to bring me to a place to be able to make sense of this statement: The church is not a solution, it’s a sign. B..

The heavyweights have now weighed in about Subordinationism (eternal functional subordination of the Son to the Father), and this weighing in doesn’t even have to deal with the desire to connect male authority and female subordination/obedience to males to the Trinitarian relations, and by heavyweights I mean these names: Bruce McCormack, Lewis Ayres, Michel Barnes

Along with:
Liam Goligher, Carl Trueman, Mike Bird, Fred Sanders, Scott Swain, Michael Allen, Fred Sanders has 18 theses on Father and Son, ..

Timothy Tennent, a United Methodist who is president of Asbury Theological Seminary (with roots firmly planted in Wesleyan soil), reflects upon the recent general conference for the United Methodists. Here is an excerpt:

In the past the system managed to work reasonably well because, despite the numbers, there was a broad agreement concerning the gospel, the Wesleyan message, and there was, frankly, more integrity about covenant keeping. All of that is gone today. The church is left without lea..

This area has just been heavy on my heart so I wanted to remind those of you who are going through some hard times that God has not forgotten about you.

Yes, you.

In the world of social media, technology and TV, it's so easy to glamorize what everybody else is doing while thinking, Lord, have you forgotten about me? Have you abandoned me?

No, God hasn't abandoned you. But, He is disciplining you. And you have a choice. You can either press through this test and mature in your walk wit..