The general synod of the Church of England meets twice a year in February and July and is made up of the house of bishops, the house of clergy and the house of laity.

Sex captures our attention all too easily. And the juicy prospect of the Church's secret conversations on its approach to gay relationships will obviously be the focus of much of the media attention around the forthcoming general synod.

But before this more sensational activity, there are others matters to attend to. ..

German Cardinal Walter Kasper, who attended the ecumenical gathering in Munich

Some 1,700 Christians from around 300 denominations have met in Munich for a 'Together in Europe' gathering of the Ecumenical Congress promoting unity between Catholics, Protestants and Evangelicals.

In a meeting supported by Pope Francis and Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I, leaders of the Catholic Church, the Anglican Church, several Orthodox Churches, Protestant denominations and free evangelical..

Guidance called 'grace and dialogue' has been issued to the general synod with instructions on how to listen and keep the conversations civil.

The Church of England is engaged in a desperate programme to reconcile factions so opposed that one side often does not recognise the other as real Christians.

Shared Conversations are a series of facilitated, private talks at all levels of the Church to allow the different views to be heard. The discussions feature a mixture of small g..

Donald Trump sparked a furious row over antisemitism after he tweeted a photo of Hillary Clinton next to a Star of David against a background of dollar bills.

The original photo shows Clinton atop a pile of money with a Star of David

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was accused of “dog whistle” racism as the image came from a white-supremacist and neo-Nazi movement. The tweet was first shared by Trump at 9.37am on Saturday but such was the backlash on social med..

Evangelicals are said to be voting Trump, but the reality is more complicated.

If you're interested religion and politics in America, there's a good chance that you've read reports, studies, and commentaries about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's courting of evangelical Christians. Trump even hosted a closed door event where he worked hard to persuade more than 900 evangelicals that he is worthy of their support.

While many high profile evangelical pa..

Franklin Graham stated at a rally in Washington this past week that Christians need to vote in upcoming presidential election, even it means that they “hold their nose” in the process.

“You’re just going to have to ask yourself: which of the two do you think we as Christians will at least have a voice with,” Graham told those gathered at his “Decision America” event in Olympia, according to the Seattle Times.

“You have to make that choice,” he later stated. “This year has been entertaining. I ..

When God Calls You to Leave the Art WorldLilias Trotter could have been a famous painter. Instead, she chose to travel with two other single women to preach the gospel in Algeria. Why?

In a recent New York magazine cover story, journalist Rebecca Traister notes that many more US women are embracing “that it’s okay for them not to be married.” She calls the decline of marriage “the most radical of feminist ideas.” But in fact, many women..

Care for Refugees, America Divided, Church Signs, and more!

Evangelicals and refugees: Care first, conversion maybe later—Adelle M. Banks

Love and care may open the door to the gospel, but even if not we should love and care.

Today’s Betrayal of Women by the Female Bloc on SCOTUS—Dr. Gerard Nadal

Razor sharp analysis of how the three female SCOTUS justices betrayed women.

The Plight of the Falling Pastor—Daniel Darling interviews Scott Sauls

Pastors can never have too much encouragement t..

Russia has been accused of backing the Russian Orthodox Church at the expense of evangelicals.

Russian evangelicals are praying, fasting and petitioning President Vladimir Putin after measures severely restricting their ability to evangelise and practise their faith were passed by the country's upper legislative house.

The measures are included in a package of anti-terrorism laws put forward by Deputy Irina Yarovaya and have now been passed by both houses, the Duma and the Federati..

Evangelicals in the Church of England are upholding a traditional stance on same-sex relationships

Leading evangelicals in the Church of England have made one of their strongest stands to date in support of what they say is a biblical view on homosexuality.

A background paper sent out to members of the Evangelical Group on General Synod warns: “The problem with being asked to endorse or make provision for sexual relationships outside of male/ female marriage is that unity is being place..