Russia has been accused of backing the Russian Orthodox Church at the expense of evangelicals.

Russian evangelicals are praying, fasting and petitioning President Vladimir Putin after measures severely restricting their ability to evangelise and practise their faith were passed by the country's upper legislative house.

The measures are included in a package of anti-terrorism laws put forward by Deputy Irina Yarovaya and have now been passed by both houses, the Duma and the Federati..

Yesterday, as the receptionist at the medical specialty clinic checked my wife in for a procedure, she handed me a small lighted gadget. “When it goes off,” she said, “they’re through in the back and will be coming to get you.”

We’re all familiar with these things. What are they called, buzzers? They fit in the palm of your hand, they’re operated by batteries, and restaurants use them for patrons awaiting tables. When they go off, lights flash, the buzzer sounds, and the thing vibrates.


In my previous post, I shared five of the lessons the Lord has been teaching me through my three-year-old grandson Chandler’s illness illness and hospitalization with severe pneumonia. These are in no real order—just the raw truths the Lord has been teaching me during one of the most difficult times in our family’s life.

(If you’ve just come across this and are seeing part 2 first, I hope you’ll take a moment to read part 1 which more thoroughly develops those first five lessons with Scripture ..

Only around a third of unchurched Americans would go to a worship service if they were invited by a friend, and few think about what happens after they die, according to new findings from LifeWay Research.

The survey of 2,000 unchurched Americans was conducted with the Billy Graham Center for Evangelism.

It found that while half of those who don't go to church still identify as Christian, they are mainly indifferent to organised religion. According to LifeWay's executive dir..

Franklin Graham speaks to 4000 people in Salem, Oregon on his 30th stop of the Decision America Tour

Franklin Graham's Decision America Tour reached Oregon yesterday, where thousands gathered to hear the son of Billy Graham encourage Christians to vote prayerfully.

“Our nation is in trouble, and like many people, we are fed up,” he said, standing on the steps of the Oregon State Capitol in Salem.

There were around 4,000 people gathered to listen to Graham at the 30th stop of his ..

And while they don’t want to go to church, they’re likely up for attending other church activities with you, LifeWay reports.

Americans who don’t go to church are happy to talk about religion and often think about the meaning of life. They’re open to taking part in community service events hosted at a church or going to a church concert.

But only about a third say they’d go to a worship service, if invited by a friend. Few think about what happens after they die.

Those are among the findings ..

How I’m Learning To Love God With My Mind, By Michelle Van Loon
My Jewish parents used to tell me that the one thing “they” couldn’t take from me was an education. As I grew older, I learned that the “they” to whom my mom and dad referred were the various Gentile groups who’d persecuted the Jewish people for millennia. Though they were in no way academics, my hard-working parents did teach me that there was immeasurable value, if not virtue,..

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had your favorite dinnertime evangelists, the local Jehovah’s Witnesses, show up at your door. They’re kind. They smile. And they even tuck in their shirts. To top it all off, they speak Christianese pretty well.
Or do they?
Though they sound like Christians, they come bearing bad news–an anti-gospel that denies the divinity of Jesus and only offers the possibility of Heaven for a select few people. Their gospel sounds so close to the bib..

As you may know, my friend Jeff Medders and I wrote a short, accessible book on the most important doctrines of the Christian faith. It’s called Rooted: Theology for Growing Christians, and it released this weekend from Rainer Publishing.

As two men who’ve served in church leadership in various ways, we kept running into laypeople who were accidental Universalists, Arians, mystics, and even worse. We’ve found that it’s often not their fault; rather, they spent most of thei..