For many of us, the thought of memorising Bible verses will bring to mind stuffy Sunday School rooms and exasperated teachers repeating John 3:16 over and over while being largely ignored.

But though it's got a bit of a bad name for itself, memorising Scripture is actually an incredibly valuable tool. In Colossians 3:16, Paul urges Christians to “let the message of Christ dwell among you richly”, while Psalm 119 tells us that we can keep ourselves pure by guarding our ways “accordi..

My colleague at Northern, Geoff Holsclaw, whose dissertation was accepted for publication in a series edited by arch-Trinitarian theologian Lewis Ayres, has responded to Bruce Ware’s recent post. Geoff has provided the whole of Ware’s post so you can read what he says and Geoff responds within the post and I have his comments in italics for ease.
Geoff: As many know there has been a “civil war” of sort raging among Reformed complementarians about whether or not the Son is eternally subordinate t..

The road to porn recovery isn't an easy one, but XXX Church, an online ministry dedicated to helping people with porn and sex addictions, wants to assure addicts that God does not get angry with them every time they suffer from a relapse.

“There seems to be a tendency for folks to come down hard on themselves when they relapse,” Stephen Kuhn writes on their website. “I wish I had the time to… let them know that God isn't mad at them. Seriously.”

Addicts who give in to their old hab..

Have you ever tried to share the gospel of Christ to a friend or family member – but stopped short because you didn't feel confident enough to share it? If you've ever experienced this, then you've got to develop your evangelism skills.

Your skill and aptitude in sharing the gospel, which I will refer to as “evangelism muscles,” need to be built up so that you will be more confident and effective in sharing the gospel with anyone you meet. Just like how a person's p..

The Kingdom of God is where God reigns supreme. The Lord Jesus said that only those who are born again can see and enter the Kingdom. Our citizenship in the Kingdom of heaven begins when we die to self and are raised to a new life with Christ. This is such a wonderful privilege that no amount of money can purchase!

When you read through the gospels, you'll find that the Lord Jesus gave some parables or “picture stories” explaining various spiritual truths we should know and unders..

What Do We Make of '90 Minutes in Heaven'?Near-death experiences make for popular books and movies. But what should Christians do with them?

Don Piper’s story, now made visible in the movie 90 Minutes in Heaven (out this weekend), records his experience of “d..

Five first steps to experiencing more of God’s presence.
“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there” (Psalm 139:7-8).
Living among a busy and distracted people, followers of Jesus need to live in God’s presence. We do not need a theology of his presence: we need the experience of his presence. He is here, now. Are we awake?

Matthew 27:28-29, “The crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law” (NIV).

It’s interesting to note that the word “amazed” is found some 30+ times in the Gospels. Most of the time the word is used to describe the response of the masses to Jesus. “Amazed” is an amazing word with a lot of power and nuance.
Something interesting to do in your studies or devotions is pay..

An Oculus Rift virtual reality headset.

It's the greatest story of all time told through books, icons, songs, TV and film… Christians have developed many ways of learning the story of Jesus over the generations. Now, the 21st Century is offering a new perspective on the events of Jesus' life – virtual reality.

VR is taking off as a consumer technology and an increasing number of productions are being made available – and now a new virtual reality film will take viewers insid..

As Harold O. J. Brown warned, the gates of hell often come very close to the church. Confusing the questions endangers the church, and no faithful theologian would willingly risk that danger.

I have spent my entire adult lifetime concerned with the danger of heresy. As a young theologian, I worked through the early centuries of church history and understood that knowing the difference between orthodox Christianity and heresy is really a matter of life and death for the church. A failure to recognize and refute heresy means disaster for the church and its witness to Christ.

At the same time, I saw that two dangers quickly emerged. The first, and most dangerous, is the unwillingness of many modern theologians to acknowledge the reality and danger of heresy. Liberal theology denied the possibility of heresy and then openly embraced it. The second danger is like the fable of the b..