Today we are decorating for Christmas. Decorating is a whole family experience. Our grandsons, daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and spiritual daughter, Karen all are part of the event. As we pulled out the nativity set, I couldn't help but remember the story you are about to read. It is one of my favorite Philip Gulley stories because it reminds me why I need Jesus; not just at Christmas, but every day of the year! Blessings to you and yours during this special time of year. Let's not forget the reason for the season and the grace that brought God to the womb of Mary and our Savior to a manger in Bethlehem. —Phil Ware
My mother-in-law, Ruby, lives in southern Indiana in the town of Paoli. We spend family Christmas with her. Those good people in Paoli remember what Christmas is all about. Each year, just before Thanksgiving, Herb from the street department hauls the baby Jesus, his mommy and daddy, and an assortment of livestock and shepherds and wise men out of ..