Here are six important Bible verses about food.

John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever. And the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

There is nothing more important about food in this life than to seek the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ. He is the “living bread that came down from heaven” and He is still satisfying those who have been brought to repentance and faith in Christ. Bread satisfies for a ..

“One of the primary texts about the importance of remembering God is Deuteronomy 8, which belongs to the larger context of the exodus event. In the face of Israelite slavery in the early chapters of Exodus, the promises God made to Abraham appear threatened (Gen. 15:13–16), resulting in a fundamental question about whether God can deliver His people from Egyptian bondage (Ex. 9:13–16).”

Sometimes I like to ask my boys if God can do anything. By now, they understand enough theology to answer tha..

Verse[The LORD said,] “When this happens [when the Israelites return from Babylon to Judah], O my people, you will know that I am the Lord. I will put my Spirit in you, and you will live again and return home to your own land. Then you will know that I, the Lord, have spoken, and I have done what I said. Yes, the Lord has spoken!”
— Ezekiel 37:13-14 NLT
ThoughtIn his later years, Ezekiel lived in Babylon during a time when all hope was gone: Jerusalem, the Temple, and the land of God's peop..

The Bible says that “All Israel will be saved” but does this mean every single Israelite or Jew will be saved?

Saved from What?
Many who are critiques of the Bible and of God don’t see why they need saving? They ask, “Saved from what?” They might believe they are being saved from hell but whom or what are they (and we) actually saved from? Surprisingly, we are saved by God but saved from God. In other words, when we are saved, we are saved or spared from the wrath of God which abides on every p..

Some attention to the context shows us that Luke’s narrative is not meant to serve as a blueprint for cultural engagement as much as an illustration of the surprising power of an unlikely message. The social tumult that followed gospel ministry of Paul was not the result of the Christianization nor the transformation of the culture but the violent reaction by the predominantly pagan culture to the gospel and to the work of the Holy Spirit among his elect. In Thessalonica in particular we do not ..

The phrase “chosen by God” is used in a variety of ways. Some people use it in the concept of saying that God chose them to do some sort of special thing. Unfortunately, my experience is that people who usually proclaim this, often when you first meet them, do so is a bragging sense and quickly reveal by what they say that they are a theological mess. Other’s refer to being chosen of God in the sense of world leaders playing a part in end times events. Still others use the phrase to refer to peo..

I begin a series that will seek to shed some light on why I am Anglican.
Image used with permission.
More than twice a month I am asked “Why did you become Anglican?” The answer to the question is complex, and I want to answer that question in part by saying up front that I don’t believe in ecclesiastical superiority. I don’t think any single church or denomination is the one true church. I’ve heard more than a whiff of this from folks as varied as Plymouth Brethren, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Cath..

As Joseph Augustus Seiss explains in his seminal work, The Gospel in the Stars, the twelve signs of the Solar Zodiac are divided into three groups with each group having a specific focus. The first group (Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius) focuses on the victory of Jesus Christ (his person, debt paid, battle fought and won).
The second group (Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries) focuses on the fruit of Jesus’s redemption, namely the Church, which Seiss clarifies is, “the body of people..

Key PassageJesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in Judea. He was born during the time when Herod was king. After Jesus was born, some wise men from the east came to Jerusalem. The wise men asked people, “Where is the new baby that is the king of the Jews? We saw the star that shows he was born. We saw the star rise in the sky in the east. We came to worship him.”
— Matthew 2:1-2 ERV (Read Full Text)
Key ThoughtGod does the unexpected! There was no way anyone would suspect—much less expect—tha..

The human mind is not compatible with worry! Worry is anxiety about things that you cannot control. Jesus tells you not to worry about even the most basic needs of life. He even tells you how to pray so that you will not worry.

In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus instructs you to ask God for your daily bread. By reading the verses that come after the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6, we see that Christ was talking about more than just asking God for bread. Three times, (in verses 25, 28, and 31), Jesus comma..