Today we are decorating for Christmas. Decorating is a whole family experience. Our grandsons, daughter, son, daughter-in-law, and spiritual daughter, Karen all are part of the event. As we pulled out the nativity set, I couldn't help but remember the story you are about to read. It is one of my favorite Philip Gulley stories because it reminds me why I need Jesus; not just at Christmas, but every day of the year! Blessings to you and yours during this special time of year. Let's not forget the reason for the season and the grace that brought God to the womb of Mary and our Savior to a manger in Bethlehem. —Phil Ware

My mother-in-law, Ruby, lives in southern Indiana in the town of Paoli. We spend family Christmas with her. Those good people in Paoli remember what Christmas is all about. Each year, just before Thanksgiving, Herb from the street department hauls the baby Jesus, his mommy and daddy, and an assortment of livestock and shepherds and wise men out of ..

There is something downright vicious going on out there today. Everybody is passing judgment on you. They are assigning worth to you by measuring your performance. Your boss is criticizing you. Or, if you are the boss, the board has set the date for your annual performance review. Everybody's a critic!

Okay, there is a certain legitimacy to it. People can't be carried on the payroll who don't perform. Incompetent persons in critical roles gum up the works for everybody else. Accountability is a good thing. But some things that are done in the name of evaluation and accountability are mean, hateful, and destructive.

There is such a thing as a critical spirit that perpetually leaves in its wake a bevy of wounded souls and countless damaged or destroyed relationships. Harsh criticism from people who enjoy dishing it out is like a battering ram against even the most secure, strong-willed people in the world.

Enough whining now! The issue is not to decide whether or not such ..

Spotlight is a throwback to the golden age of seventies cinema. It is a whip smart tribute to investigative journalism, rooted in character and grounded in a world where the most special effect is human emotion. Spotlight follows the tireless efforts of a team of reporters from The Boston Globe to uncover the sexual abuse perpetrated by far too many Roman Catholic priests. The most disturbing revelations in this true story involve the systematic cover up by Cardinal Bernard Law and the Boston Ar..

Introducing the world to our little princess, Taylor Milan Lindsey!

First, how did we come up with her name?

While me & Cornelius were courting, we used to joke and make stick figures creating our little family. The first stick figure was a little boy named “Logan,” the second, a little girl named Taylor. And.. there was a third & I think we are going to adopt him/her! 🙂
So, as we searched high and low for girl names, we couldn't agree on one name. It's crazy how many people you rea..

During my twenties, I was a bridesmaid in several weddings. Unfortunately, most of those couples are now divorced. It will come as no surprise to you that each of them stated they were unhappy and they were getting a divorce in order to find happiness. After all, happiness is the American birthright, right?

The United States Declaration of Independence says, in part, the following:We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with..

**(Before we start reading, I was actually writing a chapter in my new book, “The Runaway Bride” and I titled the chapter “The Insecure Bride.” I felt led by the Lord to share a snippet of the chapter with you. Note that this isn't the entire chapter, but you can find the rest of it on June 5, 2015 on this site when it goes live! :))**

One of satans biggest weapons is doubt. Satan loves for us to question who we are and how we measure up to others (Ephesians 2:1-2; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Samuel ..

This area has just been heavy on my heart so I wanted to remind those of you who are going through some hard times that God has not forgotten about you.

Yes, you.

In the world of social media, technology and TV, it's so easy to glamorize what everybody else is doing while thinking, Lord, have you forgotten about me? Have you abandoned me?

No, God hasn't abandoned you. But, He is disciplining you. And you have a choice. You can either press through this test and mature in your walk wit..

Admit it. You can’t afford not to budget. There are plenty of people out there who–despite their six-figure income–still find themselves in a vicious paycheck to paycheck cycle. The only way out? Budget. A good budget fits snuggly, but isn’t suffocating. It gives direction but isn’t overbearing. A real budget is constructive, not constrictive. My guess is, you’ve been in a bad-budget relationship most of your adult life. That good-for-nothing budget promised you extra money in your account and an end to your problems. Instead, you found nothing but store-brand beans, frustration, and a building sense of failure. You probably left the budget, then came back. Left, came back. Apologized. Left. Came back.

Left. It isn’t you Budget, it’s me. I just can’t do this. It’s too hard. Budgeting shouldn’t be dramatic. Healthy money management isn’t painful. When set up right, a budget is empowering. Let me assuage your fears (and let me use the word “assuage”) by helping you avoid some common budg..