Pastor Saeed Abedini shares this copy of President Barack Obama's letter to him.

U.S. President Barack Obama has written a letter to Pastor Saeed Abedini in response to the latter's letter thanking the President for helping him regain his freedom after spending more than three years in an Iranian prison.

“Thank you for taking the time to write to me to express your gratitude. As President, I made a vow that our country would do everything in its power to win y..

What Do You Worry About?

Down through the years, I have seen many Christians who feel they need to “help God” accomplish His plan and purpose in their lives. They think if they’re not doing all the right things then God’s plan for their lives might be delayed and possibly thwarted!

For example, a believer knows he is called into the five-fold ministry. But when it doesn’t come to pass as quickly as he thinks it should, he thinks it’s delayed because he hasn’t prayed enough… he hasn’t st..

The Greatest Story Ever Told is also one of the most oft told cinematic tales. So how can filmmakers bring a fresh take to Jesus’ death and resurrection? Directors often succumb to the digital temptation of bigger, louder, faster in an effort to instill faith in their audiences. Unfortunately, relying on spectacle only builds fascination with the special effects.

Risen restores my faith in the Gospel film by doing the hard work of finding a new angle. It places us within the dramatic moment when..

“You can't teach an old dog new tricks.”

“He's old and stuck in his ways.”

“She's never going to change.”

There is an ingrained, all-too-often-proved-true, prejudice that when we get older we can't, or won't, change any more. This is despite some great examples in the Bible — like Abraham, Sarah, Moses, and Caleb and that's just the first six books — and some great passages of Scripture that challenge us to keep on changing to become more like Jesus:

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16).
Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate [or reflect] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit (2 Corinthians 3:17-18).

Two of my favorite people in the Bible are old in years, but fresh and new..

Give thanks in all circumstances…


My daughter is in Afghanistan.
I am fighting diabetes.
I have no job.
My son is doing drugs.
My child has died.
My marriage is falling apart.
I'm depressed.
My bank account is overdrawn.
I'm tired of being sick and tired.
Circumstances affect each of us differently. It is easier to say, “give thanks in all circumstances” than to actually do it. Especially, if the person saying it has never gone through troubled times.
In this case, the one saying it knew what he was talking about exactly. Paul, an Apostle of Jesus, had his moments in the suffering department.
Flogged 5 times with the Jews 39 lashes…
Beaten by Roman rods 3 times…
Betrayed by those who pretended to be friends…
Pummeled with rocks…
Many sleepless nights and missed meals…
Paul said, “And that's the half of it, when you throw in the daily pressures and anxieties of all the churches” (1 Corinthians 11:28 MSG).
No doubt, circumstances can make life difficult ..

It seems like everyone makes a best books list around this time, so adding my list probably isn’t going to shatter anybody’s world. In any event, there are a few reasons why I’ve compiled this list. First, I love reading and I love to share what I’m reading. Second, I’m also always encouraged by others’ thoughts and their lists often help me pick out a few last books for my Christmas wish list. Third, I get a lot of books from publishers, and while I don’t feel compelled t..

When my proofreaders see this title, they are going to want to fix that dangling participle, “beyond”! They will want to add an object to the preposition — e.g., “live beyond tomorrow” or “live beyond our children's faith” or “live beyond the present generation.” Sometimes, however, what a phrase communicates is more important than grammatical correctness. We need to live beyond… I want you to choose the object of the preposition that is right for your life!

Whatever holds us captive, we ..

Today, nearly 500 years after the Protestant reformation, orthodox Protestants and Catholics are closer to each other than they perhaps have ever been. And this is as it should be. While they still have important differences about the primacy of Rome, the place of Mary, justification by faith, and the structure of the church, it is not uncommon on practical ethics issues for conservative Protestants and Catholics to be working alongside each other in the political trenches – and to view each other as allies in every possible sense of the term.

What has driven them closer together is the need for survival in the face of an aggressive and advancing secularism. Today faithful Christians of all kinds – Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox – are being urged by their secular counterparts to cast aside their antiquated beliefs about God and families, and instead to embrace new ideas about gender, marriage, human personhood, and God (i.e. God’s non-existence) that are more compatible with ‘conte..

Introducing the world to our little princess, Taylor Milan Lindsey!

First, how did we come up with her name?

While me & Cornelius were courting, we used to joke and make stick figures creating our little family. The first stick figure was a little boy named “Logan,” the second, a little girl named Taylor. And.. there was a third & I think we are going to adopt him/her! 🙂
So, as we searched high and low for girl names, we couldn't agree on one name. It's crazy how many people you rea..

Sometimes we can get tested out of NOWHERE and those tests can sometimes bring a fear to our heart. But it's in those moments that you have to APPLY your quiet time with the Lord, what you've learned at conferences, church and the books you read on faith. It's not enough to simply be fat off of the word of God – at some point, we have to take what we've learned and APPLY it to our life. We walk by FAITH and not by SIGHT. Which means, although the circumstances look BAD as you..