So you want to step out in a new life direction. But you’re afraid. That’s normal. Fear often keeps us from moving forward.

What if I showed you the steps needed to move forward with clarity, confidence, and abundant faith to live an authentic life adventure?

First let me acknowledge that I did not follow all of the steps I am about to share with you—not intentionally anyway. Some I had to learn the hard way.

When I stepped away from a secure paycheck as the principal of a Christian school, I h..

The Temptations of Christ, 12th century mosaic at St Mark’s Basilica, Venice.
On a recent episode of Word Matters, Trevin Wax and I discussed Mark’s rendering of Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness, particularly the unique insertion of the phrase, “He was with the wild animals” (Mark 1:13, HCSB).
After discussing the prominent views of this passage throughout church history, Trevin and I both landed at the same conclusion: Mark is recapitulating the temptation scene of Ge..

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had your favorite dinnertime evangelists, the local Jehovah’s Witnesses, show up at your door. They’re kind. They smile. And they even tuck in their shirts. To top it all off, they speak Christianese pretty well.
Or do they?
Though they sound like Christians, they come bearing bad news–an anti-gospel that denies the divinity of Jesus and only offers the possibility of Heaven for a select few people. Their gospel sounds so close to the bib..

So, one morning, I was scrolling on my TimeHop app and I saw that five years ago, around this time – my husband and I were in Dubai! It was SO much fun! We went out to visit a friend and host a small bible study.
No kids.
No mommy guilt.
No “what is so & so doing?”
No worrying about my babies.
No stressing out about my babies.
No food prep before you leave for your babies.
No arranging with family members.
No nothing.
Just a couple of carefree people, enjoying Dubai!
A photo I snapped in 20..

Last year I had the privilege of talking to a group of high schoolers about happiness. I love young people and enjoy spending time with them, so it was a pleasure to bring them a message I feel is of utmost importance for people of all ages.

When I was 15 years old, I came to faith in Christ. I discovered that a lot of my unhappiness had been due to my sin and separation from God, and that when I came into a relationship with Jesus, my life was infused with a happiness I’d never felt before.


Ewan McGregor and Rodrigo Garcia on the set of Last Days in the Desert. Photo courtesy Different Drummer.Director Rodrigo Garcia is not a particularly religious guy. He jokingly refers to himself as a “secular Catholic,” having grown up in Mexico and Spain where Catholicism was an integral part of the culture. But he says, “You don’t have to be Catholic to be intrigued by the life of Jesus.”

Garcia is so intrigued with Jesus that he wrote and directed a whole movie about Him. Last ..

The number-two need husbands most frequently mention may surprise you. It’s admiration. That’s right, ladies. Your husband has a very real need to know you admire him. God points to the importance of this need in Ephesians 5:33b:

…and [let] the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband—that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates him and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires..

According to The Denver Post, a 4-year-old Aurora, Colorado girl was “kicked out” of a preschool last month when her parents raised questions about books read in her class, including ones that told stories about same-sex couples and worms unsure about their gender.

The girl returned home from school one day concerned that her daddy might not like girls anymore–and her mommy is a girl.

Montview Community Preschool & Kindergarten in Denver — run as a private, parent cooperative — used the stories ..

Who has time to answer a child’s questions amidst racial strife, religious conflict, and a refugee crisis? There is so much uncertainty and anger surrounding our search for a new leader, threats can lead to violence at any moment. And if we fail to see the parallels being the tumultuous ancient world that Jesus entered and our context today, then we’ve missed the poignant, life affirming point of the captivating new movie, The Young Messiah.

Opening in movie theaters this weekend, The Young Mess..

**(Before we start reading, I was actually writing a chapter in my new book, “The Runaway Bride” and I titled the chapter “The Insecure Bride.” I felt led by the Lord to share a snippet of the chapter with you. Note that this isn't the entire chapter, but you can find the rest of it on June 5, 2015 on this site when it goes live! :))**

One of satans biggest weapons is doubt. Satan loves for us to question who we are and how we measure up to others (Ephesians 2:1-2; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Samuel ..