Luke 10:27 tells us, “…’You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ (NLT).” Sadly though, many Christians, if not most, tend to leave out the “mind” portion of this verse. They wrongfully think there should be no intellect in Christianity. “Leave the theology to those in the ‘Ivory Towers.’” Well, this should not be the case.
In addition, we often hear Christians..

Adam and Eve did not introduce evil into God’s good creation. Christ as cosmic redeemer was part of God’s plan from the beginning.
Genesis 3 tells a story of disobedience and consequences for that disobedience, but we must not lose sight of the fact that the snake was in the garden. If the snake is identified with Satan, as later Christian tradition holds, there was a cosmic spiritual battle underway before humankind ever came on the scene. The Bible does not actually give us much insight into t..

The heavyweights have now weighed in about Subordinationism (eternal functional subordination of the Son to the Father), and this weighing in doesn’t even have to deal with the desire to connect male authority and female subordination/obedience to males to the Trinitarian relations, and by heavyweights I mean these names: Bruce McCormack, Lewis Ayres, Michel Barnes

Along with:
Liam Goligher, Carl Trueman, Mike Bird, Fred Sanders, Scott Swain, Michael Allen, Fred Sanders has 18 theses on Father and Son, ..

I’ve been reading a book Peril in Paradise by Mark S. Whorton. In this book Dr. Whorton, a rocket scientist (Ph. D. in aerospace engineering, worked for NASA) and a Christian, puts forth a case for an old earth and digs into problems with a young earth scenario. Throughout the book he tells a little of his own story. Raised in a Southern Baptist church, son of a deacon, he cut his teeth on “the great doctrines of biblical inspiration and inerrancy.” As a doctoral student he found that his argume..

These sorts of theological debates, those between the Subordinationists like Bruce Ware at Southern Seminary and Wayne Grudem in Phoenix, reveal not only what one teaches under the sharpening knife of fellow theologians, but they also reveal how folks respond. It is sadly obvious here that the Subordinationists have very little interest in listening to their historically-informed and biblically-based critics. Par for the course for academics, I admit.
The politics, too, are obvious. TGC and the ..

The whole post, articulate to the core, by Darren Sumner is well worth your attention, exposing as it does Bruce Ware’s faulty method and faulty theology.
(6) A methodological critique: Where does this idea of an “authority-submission structure” within the Trinity come from? Ware, for one, is clear about the path of his logic:
As Son, the Son is always the Son of the Father and is so eternally. As Son of the Father, he is under the authority of his Father and seeks in all he does to act as the A..

How I’m Learning To Love God With My Mind, By Michelle Van Loon
My Jewish parents used to tell me that the one thing “they” couldn’t take from me was an education. As I grew older, I learned that the “they” to whom my mom and dad referred were the various Gentile groups who’d persecuted the Jewish people for millennia. Though they were in no way academics, my hard-working parents did teach me that there was immeasurable value, if not virtue,..

Is All Life Precious?
I am unashamedly and unambiguously a fan of the AMC show The Walking Dead. I was also a fan of the comic that was released many years before the film adaption in 2010, and before every other show on television was about the undead. It is not just the suspense or gore that entices and entertains me, but the way the writers deal with metaphysical and theological issues. Humanity is devoured and consumed by walkers (sorry, I couldn’t help myself), yet there ..

I am happy to announce a new blog venture at The Gospel Coalition entitled “Evangelical History,” which will be run by Thomas Kidd and me.

You can go over to the new blog and read Dr. Kidd’s introductory post. He writes:

What do we mean by “evangelical history”? Justin and I both have broad interests in the history of evangelical Christianity, and the history of Christianity, so those will be a major focus here. But we’re also interested in a Christian view of all kinds of history: political, ..

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had your favorite dinnertime evangelists, the local Jehovah’s Witnesses, show up at your door. They’re kind. They smile. And they even tuck in their shirts. To top it all off, they speak Christianese pretty well.
Or do they?
Though they sound like Christians, they come bearing bad news–an anti-gospel that denies the divinity of Jesus and only offers the possibility of Heaven for a select few people. Their gospel sounds so close to the bib..