What Paula White’s Washington moment implies for the prosperity gospel’s future.

Donald Trump discovered Paula White the same way legions of fans and followers did: on television.

Fifteen years of prayer, visits, and friendship later, the Florida preacher now serves as the top spiritual adviser for America’s president-elect and, essentially, his guide to the country’s religious conservatives.

Her behind-the-scenes counsel became news as Trump prepared for the presidency. It was White who arra..

Sean Palmer is the lead Pastor at the Vine Church in Temple Texas. You can follow him @SeanPalmer
I agree with those who feel that America is headed for uncertain times in our near future. According to a new Quinnipiac University Poll released last Tuesday, America’s President-Elect, Donald Trump, will enter the presidency with a historically low approval rating, only 37%.
Trump’s approval rating has actually declined since his popular vote loss and electoral college win last November. At presen..

“After 47 years of being raised in a pious household, after 30 years of considering myself a born-again Christian, and after 18 years of being an ordained minister and getting to know my flock, I have come to the conclusion that me and every Bible-believing Christian I have ever met is an aint.”

In some churches in the southern United States, one might hear older congregants talk of the saints and the aints. In using this language, they are drawing a distinction between those who outwardly walk..

I am not saying we should never have urgent care and concern, or even alarm, in situations that warrant it. If your awareness of a clear and present danger springs you into action, that is not anxiety. Taking immediate and urgent action when your toddler goes missing in the mall is not sinful. An elevated heart rate and raised voice is appropriate and wise when sounding the alarm in the event of danger. Sinful anxiety is having an untrusting, uncontrolled reaction to something that isn’t happeni..

“We cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
Acts 4:20, NIVIt seems like just yesterday that our youngest daughter, Rachel-Ruth, gave birth to our first grandchild – a little girl named Ruth Bell Wright. Since that very first day, my husband and I were totally enthralled with this little girl. She filled my heart. I couldn’t help talking about her to anyone who would listen. I wasn’t afraid to talk about her. I didn’t plan in advance how I would talk about her. I didn’t worry abo..

So you’ve committed to reading the Bible again this year. Praise God.

Maybe this is something new for you, one of your resolutions for the New Year. Or maybe you’re a seasoned, veteran reader, just hoping to maintain the patterns God has blessed over many years now.

However much or little you have read in the past, though, will not change what’s going to happen soon, probably even sometime in the next week. Maybe it’s happened already. You’ll sit down for your time in the word, spend half a..

The real reason for concern is the fact that White’s brand of Christianity is a manifestation of the psyche of modern America in a religious idiom, and thoroughly continuous with the last eight years. As Horton points out, White’s Christianity is all about meeting needs, felt needs. It is a form of therapy—and rather materialist therapy—in skimpy religious garb. Where America was once pragmatic—and gloriously so, in that the “can-do” mentality of Americans was part of what made the country great..

What does it mean that we are to be slaves of Christ?

Slaves or Servants?
Did you know that you will find the Greek word for “slave” about 150 times in the New Testament? That shouldn’t surprise us because they estimate that about one in four people in the Roman Empire were slaves, but the word “servant” is translated “slave” only in a few of those 150 times it’s mentioned. Why? The translators didn’t really like the word “slave” because of the connotations that word brought. They liked “servan..

Rightly motivated devotional habits are never legalistic. Neither the strictest obedience to the Word of God nor the most zealous pursuit of holiness is ever legalistic if one’s motives are right. The measurement of legalism is not the consistency of one’s devotional practices but the heart’s reason for doing them. Finally, you’ll likely never be less busy. If you can’t make time to meet God through the Bible and prayer now, it’s very unlikely you will when—if—life does slow down.

You’ve always..