15/10/2016 By micoots 0


John 14:20 At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.

This was one of the first passages I was asked to memorize in my Bible School days. It is one of those simple, yet profound teachings of Jesus. He was able to say things in a few words that contained an entire theological system buried inside of them. This is one of those sayings.

First, He speaks of He Himself being in the Father. This is another glimpse of the profound mystery of the trinity. If we have seen Him, we have seen the Father. He is the radiance of the Father’s Glory. He is the very image of God Almighty. He is the very imprint of His nature. Jesus is absolutely God.

Secondly, He said that we would be in Him. We have been immersed into Him by the baptism in the Holy Sprit, that is the whole context of this teaching. We are in Christ. In Christ we find our identity, in Christ we are redeemed by His blood, in Christ we bear much fruit, in Christ we find our refuge and rest, by us being in Christ, God is glorified. This is David’s hiding place and the place Jesus was speaking about when He went to prepare a place for us. He is our dwelling place.

Finally, Christ said He would be inside of us. This is the very heart of why Jesus came. He said unless a man is born again He will never see the kingdom of God. When Christ comes into our lives we experience regeneration. Our whole life changes. We are no longer slaves of sin, Christ is inside of us now, living this brand new life in us that we can never live ourselves. The old life is over, a new life has begun.

Jesus said we would begin to see the depth of this powerful revelation in “that day”. What day was He speaking of? Of course He was talking about the day of the Holy Spirit that began on the day of Pentecost and continues up to now. It is His Spirit that gives us understanding of this profound divine revelation. So that’s it, Jesus is in the Father, I am in Him, and He is in me. That changes everything.

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