The Bailey Drink


Heb. 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

It seems that most people believe in the greatness of God in the past. Of course God did wonderful things in the Bible days or even in past special seasons of revival. Many also believe that the future, when Christ returns, will be unspeakable. The problem is always that blasted today. That’s exactly what the Lord claims to be, I am. He is not the great I was or the great I will be He is simply I am; the never changing One. Was He ever the Savior? He is that today? Was He ever a miracle worker? Miracles still flow out from Him. Has He ever been a teacher, a protector, a leader, or the Helper? What He was, He always is; He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Here are some thoughts from Andrew Murray on today’s verse.
“All that He was yesterday, He is today. All that He was yesterday, in the past of the great eternity, as the object of the Father’s delight, and the bearer and dispenser of the Father’s life and love, He is today. All that He was yesterday, in His life upon earth, with His meek and gentle and sympathizing heart, He is today. All that He has been on His throne, in sending down His Spirit, in working mighty things in and on behalf of His Church, in revealing Himself in joy unspeakable to trusting souls, in meeting and blessing you who read this, He is today. All that He is, He can be to you today. And the only reason that you ever had to look back to a yesterday that was better than today, was that you did not know, or that you failed to trust, this Jesus, who was waiting to make each today a new revelation and a larger experience of the grace of yesterday.”
This is exactly what Christ dealt with standing outside of Lazarus’ tomb, “Lord, if you had only been here four days ago!” What was the Lord’s reply? “I am the resurrection and the life.” Mary’s come back, “I know we will be raised in the last day”. For Mary, like most of us, miracles are in the past or in the future. What did Jesus say? “Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?”

In a moment, Lazarus was hopping around in grave clothes. Yep, Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

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