Congress passes a handful of laws each year. But government agencies pass several thousands of regulations each year, which have the force of law. Democracies elect their lawmakers and law enforcers, but no one elects the bureaucrats, who are now increasingly performing the functions of government and are running the country.
This is a global phenomenon and is one of the major reasons Great Britain voted to exit the all-bureaucratic European Union.
A practical problem of this arrangement is that..

A new Russian law forbids evangelizing except within a church service. This includes using e-mail or other online communication. It even outlaws private evangelistic conversations within one’s own home.
This is not the work of Godless communism. It comes out of the Russian Orthodox Church and its resistance to “proseletyzing” on the part of Western Protestants and Roman Catholics. I wonder what would happen, under this law, if a devout Orthodox Russian tried, over glasses of vodka, to persuade a..

In more state repression of religion, the government in China’s Zhejiang province is confiscating the tithes and offerings that churches receive.
From Christianity Daily: China Implements Law Compelling Churches to Hand Over Tithes and Donations to Authorities, According to China Aid Report – China Aid:
The Chinese state government in Zhejiang province has implemented a new law for some of the churches to hand over all their income and donations to the authorities, the China Aid reported.
The la..

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is holding its triennial convention July 9-14 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The delegates will not be trying to revise the Christian sexual ethic, ordain women, or weigh in on national politics.
The biggest issue, as I understand it, has to do with the paradoxically-named “Lay ministers.” Some decades ago, the LCMS started a program for laity who wished to serve congregations full time. But some congregations–especially small, rural parishes–began using lay minister..

Is the NRA doing enough in support of Philando Castile, who was killed by a Minnesota police officer at a traffic stop after explaining that he had a concealed carry permit for a firearm, then reaching for his ID?
From The NRA’s internal revolt over Philando Castile – The Washington Post:
After a white Minnesota police officer fatally shot a black man on Wednesday, gun control advocates weren’t the only ones criticizing the National Rifle Association. Some of the blowback was coming from within ..

United States has become the global leader in recoverable oil reserves as improved technology and processes have allowed domestic producers to overtake Saudi Arabia and Russia, according to a report released this week.
Norway-based consulting firm Rystad Energy said the United States contains 264 billion barrels of oil that is both technologically and economically feasible to recover, outpacing Russia by 8 billion bar..

Snipers killed five police officers, wounded seven more, plus two civilians in Dallas last night. It happened at a “Black Lives Matter” march, protesting police killings of black men in Louisiana and Minnesota. Three suspects are in custody. One shooter was killed by a robot bomb. Details after the jump.
From Snipers kill five police officers in Dallas, wound seven others during protest – The Washington Post:
At least five Dallas police officers were killed and seven others wounded Thursday even..

The Iowa Civl Rights Act forbids discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Churches have an exemption for “a bona fide religious purpose.” But the Iowa Civil Rights Commission has ruled that if a church service “is open to the public,” it is a “public accommodation” that may not discriminate.
This would mean a congregation must allow only members to attend worship services, excluding visitors and non-members.
UPDATE: The commission is now clarifying that it didn..

In a discussion of Donald Trump’s theology, Christian conservative Peter Wehner observes that the presumptive Republican presidential nominee’s worldview–with its emphasis on power, strength, and winning and its constant putdowns of the weak, the unattractive, and “losers”–is that of the anti-Christian philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
From Peter Wehner, The Theology of Donald Trump – The New York Times:
To better understand Mr. Trump’s approach to life, ethics and politics, we should not look to..

The figure of the wanderer dominates the popular imagination, as evident in the heroes of our popular TV shows and movies. So observes Alissa Wilkinson at, who says the wanderer reflects the spiritual condition of our time. As an example, she points to the TV series “Preacher,” based on a comic book about a tormented pastor with strange super powers and a dark attitude. He is trying to track down a demon that has destroyed his congregation. I suspect some of you pastors can relate..