G. Star Swain performs 'The Star-Spangled Banner' at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C.

Visitors at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. were treated to a spontaneous spectacle last week when one of them suddenly belted out an incredible a capella rendition of “The Star-Spangled Banner.”

Many of the visitors were visibly moved as they gave G. Star Swain a warm applause, expressing their admiration after she finished singing the U.S. national anthem just in..

Some people consider the worship of God as a weekend thing simply because we usually go to church on Sundays. Although it is right that we keep our Sabbaths as time for resting in the Lord's presence in worship, we must understand that the worship of God goes beyond rest days. It is a daily pursuit.

One-day Christ follower

The Lord God Himself said in Exodus 20:8-11, “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but t..


Your relationship with your family is the most important relationship you have in your life, next to your relationship with God. Thus, it deserves to be given more importance and value with each day.

Most parents and children build their family relationship by having family day-outs or similar activities during weekends. But we all know that developing a deep and meaningful connection with your parents and siblings requires more than just an hour per week – it requires much more time.

Have you ever tried to share the gospel of Christ to a friend or family member – but stopped short because you didn't feel confident enough to share it? If you've ever experienced this, then you've got to develop your evangelism skills.

Your skill and aptitude in sharing the gospel, which I will refer to as “evangelism muscles,” need to be built up so that you will be more confident and effective in sharing the gospel with anyone you meet. Just like how a person's p..

The Bible says that God is our ever-present help in times of need. He is the One you can run to and ask for help any time, any day, anywhere you might be, and for any purpose you might need. He won't just help you in your trouble – He will help you with yourself if you need it.

Are you in need of God's help right now? The Bible gives us many verses that encourage us to come to Him for help in times of need. Here are some Bible verses you can meditate on to get the encourageme..

Have you ever made a promise to someone, and then broke it for some reason? For sure the recipient of that promise got hurt. If ever you've made a promise to God and then failed to fulfill it, God won't like that, too, because that's sin.

Deuteronomy 23:21 says, “When you make a vow to the Lord your God, be prompt in fulfilling whatever you promised Him. For the Lord your God demands that you promptly fulfill all your vows, or you will be guilty of sin.”

It is sin


God desires that all Christians would exercise godly leadership in their homes. It is His plan that parents would teach their children to grow up to Him in righteousness, becoming godly people who would later make great impact in their areas of influence, wherever God puts them.

Sadly, however, many Christians don't show this characteristic towards their family members and relatives.

Godly parents

Did you know that God meant parents to be more than just providers of financial an..

The Kingdom of God is where God reigns supreme. The Lord Jesus said that only those who are born again can see and enter the Kingdom. Our citizenship in the Kingdom of heaven begins when we die to self and are raised to a new life with Christ. This is such a wonderful privilege that no amount of money can purchase!

When you read through the gospels, you'll find that the Lord Jesus gave some parables or “picture stories” explaining various spiritual truths we should know and unders..

Reading the Bible is a very enjoyable pursuit and habit. And with the introduction of devices that allow for great applications that can be used to enhance our devotions and Bible-reading times, it just gets better.

But did you know that you can enjoy it even more, without the need for those devices?

In Jesus' time, there were no smartphones. David never had iPhones, iPads, or MacBooks. Moses had tablets, but they didn't run on Windows, iOS, Android or other operating system..

All of us want to stand for something. Heroes in the past stood for freedom, for justice, and for love. Some people stood for their dreams, some stood for themselves.

What are you standing for? As Christians, we were not freed from sin for nothing. God has freed us from captivity to sin and the law so that we could be free to become something larger and more important than ourselves, our dreams, our aspirations or frustrations.

We were freed to stand for Him who died for our sake.