When my husband and I went to our first home school convention in 1992, we expected to discover curriculum and how-to’s. My husband picked up a sample of a devotional booklet from an exhibitor on our way out the door at the end of the day. In a sea of vendors hawking brightly-colored curriculum promising academic success and spiritual bulletproofing to prospective home school f..

In my little book A Long Faithfulness I outlined how I think the Book of Hebrews prohibits our thinking of God in terms of meticulous providence (God being the agent and cause of all things, including tragedies and deaths and birth defects and sexual abuse of children), and I join Roger Olson in arguing that such a view of God fatally crashes against the rocks of God as love as such a view questions the consistency of God as loving.

In this post today my friend Jason Micheli opens up the door on..

In short, fatherhood is hot, and so is the science behind it. Researchers say men are biologically wired to be fathers — and children are innately and uniquely responsive to their fathers. This has enormous implications for the health of children, mothers and fathers themselves.
Recent research finds that involved dads improve pregnancy outcomes, foster babies’ sleep, help build children’s language skills and reduce teens’ risk of self-damaging behavior.
“The importance of fathers equals..

The mayor wished them happy birthdays. So did their ­congresswoman. And their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Even Oprah sent them a video message saying happy birthday.

It’s not every day that someone turns 100 years old. And it’s really not every day that three childhood best friends hit the centenarian mark together.

On Saturday, three D.C. women, best friends for nearly a century, celebrated reaching triple digits during a ceremony at Zion ..

Emma was a great cook and I will never forget the first lunch she made for us. Mom and Dad came home for lunch and as we sat to eat Emma was nowhere to be found. Dad found her in the living room eating by herself. He took her by the arm and almost dragged her to our family’s dining table. He looked at her and said “Emma if you are good enough to cook food for us, then you are good enough to eat it with us.”
From that moment, she was not “the help.” She was family. I hugged and kisse..

I’ve been asked more than once What do you say, then, when you are calling people to … here the words matter but I don’t want to parse them at this point … decision? The Sinner’s Prayer is neither here nor there; it’s not the point; it can be the right thing for the right person but it can (too) easily become a magical potion for some evangelists and for some responders. We need to begin at the core of what the proper response to the gospel is:
1. Remember, gospeling is not fundamentally about p..

Adam and Eve did not introduce evil into God’s good creation. Christ as cosmic redeemer was part of God’s plan from the beginning.
Genesis 3 tells a story of disobedience and consequences for that disobedience, but we must not lose sight of the fact that the snake was in the garden. If the snake is identified with Satan, as later Christian tradition holds, there was a cosmic spiritual battle underway before humankind ever came on the scene. The Bible does not actually give us much insight into t..

SMcK: I want to express my gratitude to Joe James for this exceptional set of solid discussions about the praxis of table.
Trusting the Table (5) – The Church is a Sign, Not a Solution
This post wraps up my series, “Trusting the Table.” My previous posts have merely been the long road to this one, to bring me to a place to be able to make sense of this statement: The church is not a solution, it’s a sign. B..

The heavyweights have now weighed in about Subordinationism (eternal functional subordination of the Son to the Father), and this weighing in doesn’t even have to deal with the desire to connect male authority and female subordination/obedience to males to the Trinitarian relations, and by heavyweights I mean these names: Bruce McCormack, Lewis Ayres, Michel Barnes

Along with:
Liam Goligher, Carl Trueman, Mike Bird, Fred Sanders, Scott Swain, Michael Allen, Fred Sanders has 18 theses on Father and Son, ..

I’ve been reading a book Peril in Paradise by Mark S. Whorton. In this book Dr. Whorton, a rocket scientist (Ph. D. in aerospace engineering, worked for NASA) and a Christian, puts forth a case for an old earth and digs into problems with a young earth scenario. Throughout the book he tells a little of his own story. Raised in a Southern Baptist church, son of a deacon, he cut his teeth on “the great doctrines of biblical inspiration and inerrancy.” As a doctoral student he found that his argume..