We need different methods for reaching those over 40 and under 40.

How should generational dynamics affect evangelistic methods? Or we could put it this way: “How is reaching people over the age of 40 different from reaching those under 40?”

This is a tricky issue. We must first recognize that the categories are nuanced. Generally, generations are divided up into many categories such as Builders, Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. But let’s simplify and just think about the ..

The only way to dispel the myth of influence is to commit ourselves anew to the importance of biblical theology as the foundation for Christian action. We must allow the Bible in its fullness to direct our thinking and our doing. We must remember that Paul did not preach an abbreviated gospel, but declared the whole counsel of God.

In the March 7, 1998, issue of the Los Angeles Times, the Religion section featured an article entitled, “L.A.-Area Seminary Teachers Gather to Ponder the Truth.” Fo..

Rural churches, same-sex marriage, ICYMI, and church signs

How Can Members of Rural Churches Engage Culture? – Jay Sanders
What’s Really Going On with Evangelicals and Same-Sex Marriage – Trevin Wax
The Winnowing of Christianity – Rod Dreher
The Grace of Church Discipline – Mark Galli
Previously on The Exchange
Retraining Our Minds on the Things of Christ: Thoughts as We Draw Closer to Inauguration Day
Four Questions to Ask Ourselves as We Adjust to a New Political Reality

November 8th Is Long..

One of the first things I do when I begin coaching a Senior Pastor is lead them through a process of redesigning how they schedule their week to ensure their highest ministry priorities get consistently accomplished.

It is the same process whether they serve churches of 50 to 5,000.

Here’s what that process looks like:

Draw A Weekly Calendar
The first thing I have Senior Pastors do is pull out a piece of paper and turn it to horizontal view.

Then I ask them to draw six horizontal lines, repr..

It’s hard work to plant a church in Chicago.

“If you pierce the 100-member level, you’re in the vast minority,” said David Choi, who planted Church of the Beloved in Chicago four years ago. “From my vantage point, I’ve seen about 10 percent of church plants pierce the 100 level. Far more have around 10 to 50 people. . . . I could name a good amount of churches that have fewer than 60 or have folded in the last five years.”

Jon Dennis planted Holy Trinity Church 18 years ago. He agrees church p..

I am doing a series on the blog about why I became Anglican, and last week I looked at the church calendar, and this week I want to dip into “worship,” by which I mean Sunday morning worship service. (I do not equate worship with Sunday morning worship, but Sunday morning worship is worship.)
Image used with permission.
If the church calendar shapes the church themes, the church liturgy for Holy Eucharist is shaped by a customary set of elements of the worship service. Each of these is needed, e..

Most of my childhood, I lived in highly diverse neighborhoods. My neighborhoods and schools were a mishmash of white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and more. I recently looked up the stats of my junior high, for example, and the current student population is 33% white, 30% Hispanic, 25% African American, 10% Asian, and a few others. This type of relatively even split is how I remember it.
I don’t remember my parents ever making blatantly racist comments. Race was neve..

I love technology. At any given time, I always have access to my cell or my laptop. All of the cool features help keep me to stay organized and allow me to do more and do it well. But if I’m honest, one of the main reasons I love technology is that is helps me develop, sustain, and grow relationships with people from all over. It gives me touchpoints with people at moments when, 10 or 20 years ago, that would not have been possible.

I am always looking for new and cr..

Our primary motivation for evangelism should be love of God and love of neighbor. Those who love God will joyfully obey His commission to evangelize and disciple. Those who love their neighbor will desire nothing greater for them than eternal life. Their aim will be to see God glorified through the salvation of sinners like themselves in order that the church would grow. The God-ordained means of evangelism is His own Word. It is through the proclamation of God’s Word that the Holy Spirit effect..

A Christian worldview embraces two things: the Great Commandment and the Great Commission

In Part 1, I talked about why we are at a time when we need to step back and assess how we view the world and the lens we apply to all that we see and do. I talked about a Christian worldview that holds in one hand the Great Commandment and in the other the Great Commission. It’s a worldview that embraces a love of God and a love of others above even ourselves.

Recently, we have seen many ways in which th..