The Bailey Drink


He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Paul talked about what he called “the mystery of godliness”. He was trying to comprehend the unthinkable, the Creator somehow entered His creation. That mystery is the glory of Christmas, the word became flesh and dwelt among us, there is nothing more astounding than that. Mary experienced the whole miracle from the conception to His birth, through His childhood years, and the years of His ministry. She was there at His death, burial, and even a witness of His resurrection. It was through her that He entered into His creation. The One who has lived from eternity burst on the scene that day in Bethlehem, born in a barn and sleeping in an animal’s food trough. Entering His creation didn’t diminish Him in any way. He is not only the Creator, He is also the Sovereign, ruling all things by His mighty word. Here are some thoughts from Martin Luther on Jesus the Creator.
“Whoever uses the term everything hasn’t left anything out. In other words, John was asserting that the Word existed before all creatures and that the Word was a coworker with the Father. He was an equal creator of everything along with the Father. Everything that exists has been made through the Word. The Word is the Creator of all creatures. There is no difference between the Word and the Father regarding the divine essence. The Word is the true God because he shares the divine essence with God the Father. The Word was with God in the beginning. He demonstrated this when he created the universe. He made heaven and earth, angels, and all creatures…This passage affirms that the Father created everything through his Son. This keeps us from having doubts about who the Son is. We can know and believe that our dear Lord and Savior, born of the Virgin Mary, is also the real, true, natural God and Creator together with the Father and the Holy Spirit.”
The Creator of black holes, galaxies, daisies, and even time itself has humbled Himself to come into our world. He came to restore the fallen crown of His creation. He came to seek and save the lost; He came to bring me out of the dark and into the light.

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